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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Hi guys, sorry I haven't been on for a while. I've just had my hours cut at work because we have lost a contract. As a result getting my XT sorted is not a priority at the moment. I am going to do her though but now its looking around xmas time. I'm just going to bite the bullet and take it to a garage to be fixed. I wish I hadn't of dismantled her in the first place. Hope your all well and I should be back on the road soon.
  2. Last summer when I was a newbie I went out when it was really hot topless. It did feel good. I will never do it again though. I will always wear my armourerd jacket. The way I thought about is..... If I thought I was going to come off my bike I wouldn't gbo out on it, so whats the point in wearing all this gear and sweating to fuck? Very naive of me.
  3. I won't try starting it, even I wouldn't be that thick haha, because I took the casings off I have broken the seals, will oil just piss out if I fill it up without replacing them?
  4. Hi guys hope everyone is ok and not missing me too much. Hopefully I will get the bike sorted soon! The bike has stood in my garden for a good few months now with no oil in the engine. Will this damage the engine further>? Also I bet the battery is dead, what other things do I need to look for?
  5. Put a Vapour speedo on, they are well worth the £130, ots just fitting them that are complicated. Buy it! While you can!
  6. No not dead yet, the XT still needs sorting.
  7. I'm sure I will learn things in time with practise and help. I think I deserved some of the stick after the dumb things I did.
  8. Any news on the idiot that nearly killed you?
  9. No the tough encouragement was good, I needed it, but I'm just not that good at mechanics (yet). I am going to sort my XT because seriously what else can go wrong. it has been practically rebuilt. I fancy a WR 125 x.
  10. No chance, did you send me a message on facebook? I never got one.
  11. Nah I'm 30 and I was going to use my dads address which is in the middle of nowhere at the seaside.
  12. Thanks, just got fed up with the bike and lost interest.
  13. Im here haha. Fucking hell I am touched that you think so much of me. After a few failed attempts on removing the starter motor I just gave in. I locked the bike up and put it to the back of my mind. I just couldn't be arsed with it after all the time, money, and stress it has caused me. I decided that I would just get a car. It would be actually cheaper and I could get a tidy little motor for a £1k. Anyway this afternoon I got the urge and again spent 4 hours trying to sort it but failed. I have now decided to take it to a garage, something I should of done in the beginning. Some people just aren't cut out to be mechanics. Also the piss taking doesn't bother me at all, I know its all just banter and a laugh.
  14. Sorry guys, I'm still here the truth is after spending a weekend trying to get it sorted I failed and then gave up. Then today I got the urge again and spent all afternoon trying to sort it and failed again. It looks like I'm going tro have to take it to a garage. I really think it is just the spring that has come loose inside, but seen as I am unable to even diagnose the problem I don't know. A garage said they will look at it for about £70. I wish I had just done this in the first place.
  15. Got a kit off eBay pretty cheap. I'm struggling to get this starter motor off. The problem with the bike is everything is seized solid. As a last resort I might just snap the other lug off, opinions?
  16. Sorry mate my fault, I know you wasn't having a go, I just thought wtf is he on about? Lol!
  17. Ooooh right, sorry my mistake. No I took that side off because I thought I needed too, but it was the wrong side. I don't have a clue what I'm doing so I did it by accident. Cheers for that, it's a good job I didn't succeed in removing the screw. It's difficult to get the starter off, any suggested techniques/methods? Went to the bike shop today and there has been a delay on all Yamaha orders, apparently they were held up in Holland.
  18. I always knew the difference between the clutch and the starter motor, I'm not that dumb.
  19. Cheers, I can get one for around a tenner. Not bad.
  20. No I don't have an impact driver but I'm going to need one so ill buy one. Every nut, bolt, and screw needs replacing.
  21. Cheers for that, because I took the wrong side off and broke the gasket, will it be ok to start?
  22. Sorry Foamy you have lost me ?????
  23. I know what you mean but it happened well before the bolt come loose and fell off. My new one should be here by now so I will call into the shop in the morning, put it on and test it. Hope to God your right.
  24. Quickly figured out what to do but of course the fucking inevitable happened. This just snapped off like fucking cheese..... And then the all time favourite..... rounded, seized screw! As soon as I took the cap/cover off loads of shit just come out after dissentigrating like ash. So I cleaned what I could and blathered it in WD, fuck knows how it will come off without snapping. Anyway I'm leaving it to soak overnight.
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