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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I only use Sport Demons, really good in the rain.
  2. Yes I have one but I don't know how to use it. I'm not sure what setting it's meant to be on. I'll google it and check it.
  3. I've recently had a few electrical related problems with the bike. Firstly the indicator switch stopped working. I put it down to wear and tear and managed to find a cheap second hand one on ebay. After a few months it's starting to do the same and packing in. Probably not related but I don't know. Secondly the bike never had any juice in the battery in a morning so I was having to bump it. I thought it's a 3 year old battery and got a new one. It was fine for a month or so and now it's starting to do the same thing but sometimes it will start on the electric start no problem. I thought it may be the regulator so I have ordered a new one. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Edit: Could be the alternator?
  4. Passed it's first MOT. Just two advisories on the front tyre and front brake pads. It's a weight off my shoulders. I thought he'd fail it with the steering lock.
  5. Thanks guys. Slice I won't touch it. It's just bugging me knowing that it is knackered. I can sort the ignition but not sure about the steering lock. I will have to completely dismantle the front end to get decent pics. I don't fancy doing that any time soon. I wouldn't mind if it was summer but I don't have a garage and it's constantly raining in Yorkshire.
  6. Everything else is fine. I've just sorted all the brakes and replaced the battery. I'm going to buy a new yoke and bolt the ignition in when I can afford it. Also I'm thinking I can just bend the steering lock back into position with a crow bar. Maybe give it some heat if needed.
  7. My bike is due for it's first M.O.T. but it has no steering lock and the ignition is held on by a cable tie. This is the way I fixed it after my bike was stolen and damaged. Will the bike fail the M.O.T?
  8. Been looking and the thing I didn't take into account is that if I bought a bigger bike they are 3 or 4k more expensive, so rather than 3 years its paid off over 5 years. 5 years seems too long. I would rather sell the bike private because I bet a dealer would give me an insult of a valuation.
  9. It is a massive commitment and not everyone's cup of tea. I suppose it is a gamble especially nowadays with the economy. I id get made redundant two years ago but I soon found work again. Probably going to be next year now but I was just thinking of saving up for one. You can get really nice bikes in good condition for a few grand now. I think it's mainly people who get them on finance and really look after them, then sell them after they're paid off.I think I want to get another supermoto at least a 400 then a 600 sports.
  10. Just paid the finance off the WR so I'm pretty happy for a change. A lot of people advised me not to do it and I could understand their logic. It was a struggle when I got made redundant but I scraped by. It's a nice feeling getting a brand new machine and I will be definitely doing it again, especially now with all the 0% interest deals. When I thought about it I realised it was worth it. The interest was 4.6% or something. The bike cost £4200 and the interest was £300 so all together £4500. I've had three years of problem free riding, apart from wear and tear. It was a god send after the whole XT nightmare. WR's seem to hold their value as well so after considering all the fun, commuting and enjoyment I won't be losing out if and when I do sell it. I'll have to get a bigger bike in the near future but for now I'm happy putting up with it for a while longer. Now I have some extra cash to get my licence.
  11. He ran into the cellar after he got attacked. He's really weak, sleeping a lot but he we will soon fatten him up. He's been reported to the dog warden who was already aware of the incident. The dog warden will get back to me to let me know what action will be taken. But he is going to speak to the police to see if out can be done.
  12. My cat Bruno is home thank God. After nearly three weeks the owner of the dogs who attacked him brought him round to my house. The weirdo said he had been in his cellar for nearly three weeks! He has had my cat in his cellar all this time and known all along. Bruno has lost a lot of weight and is like a bag of bones. The guy is obviously a sicko for putting us through all this for so long knowing he had him all this time. He is lucky Helen come back from work when she did because I was really losing patience with him and getting angrier by the second. He was acting like he had done nothing wrong. Bruno has been locked in his cellar, starved and left to rot down there scared to death. He is filthy and really emaciated. The main thing is he's back but the guy is obviously sick. Thank you for all the support
  13. Looking at the cost of materials and then considering the time and effort I'll put into building something I might as well just buy something like the shelter Tommy suggested.
  14. On second thoughts will the arms be long enough or will they be useless?
  15. Doesn't matter now. Whats done is done. Lesson learned. I will be setting off extra early next time.
  16. I have been charged for a test that I haven't even taken. Fair enough I was 5 minutes late so why could they have not just re-booked it without charging me. Yes in an ideal world everything would run smoothly but we are talking about 5 minutes not half an hour. So yes it is a con. I have been charged for a service I have not used. Anyway nevermind. I will make sure next time I half an hour early so I can sit about in the waiting room like a dick head. Just typical every Saturday morning the roads are dead but the Saturday I have to go the there I get held up and have to take a detour.
  17. I was late by 5 minutes due to traffic. There was an accident. They should give you allowances. So yes it is a con! They should say if you are late you will have to re-book. It's not like I was half an hour late. I have no control over other dickheads on the road crashing. What am I meant to do, set off three hours early just in case? No I just want it done. I'm used to the cold weather anyway but still it's not nice.
  18. So I had my theory test booked this morning. I got there 5 minutes late so now I have to re-book it and pay for it again. What a con. Now I have to wait another three weeks before I can get an opening for another test. I just wanted to get the ball rolling. Now by the time I get on a bigger bike for lessons the weather will be freezing.
  19. Still not home, been a week now. It's the not knowing that bothers me the most. The thought of him hid away somewhere slowly starving and dehydrating to death because he is too scared to move is killing me. The weather has got colder now as well. I'm at my wits end.
  20. Yes! Thats what I was picturing in my mind. Cheers.
  21. yes one side is left hand thread. I totally forgot. On all the the Yamaha spares sites it's just the mirrors that come as standard.
  22. The RSPCA has been closed down in my city but he has been reported to the dog warden by me and the neighbours whose garden they went in. Just haven't reported him to the police.
  23. I've never used mirrors on my bikes before because I think they look stupid on my style of bike. I got some of those that stick into the end of your bars but they're pretty crap. I want some that screw into the mirror sockets but not with massive long arms. I don't know the word slimline? Anyway I can't find any. Has anybody got a link?
  24. It's the idiot owner. He never lets them out or takes them out. He's like the Wayne character from Harry Enfield. I feel sorry for them. It's 100% the owner. They're not vicious or out of control they just saw my cats and reacted naturally. At first I wanted to shoot them then I thought about reporting them as dangerous but whats the point? I don't really care as long as he keeps his distance. I just want my cat to come back.
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