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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Yeah Nigel it's a complete ballache you have to take the seat and panels off, it's tight as well. Hopefully all the bolts and screws will come out without any problems. Good luck mate.
  2. Glad your ok Tasky, so your defecting to Suzuki now?
  3. I'm not risking my career by punching the fuck out of the cunt. I've worked hard to get where I am, it has taken me a few years. I'm a youth housing support officer. I work in hostels with medium to high risk 16/17 year old social service kids. They send them to me because they have been through every part of the system and no one can handle them anymore. As you can imagine these kids have serious issues and are out of control. They are the worst kids in the city. My job is frustrating and really stressful but I love it. The problem is everything is done by the book and to the dot. It's not like when I was doing the shop fitting lark and we could just settle it man to man haha. I think I'm going to start videoing him doing it about 10 times then make a collage and show him it. Then I am going to blackmail him.
  4. He can always put the visor down lol Tommy are you going to put it in a glass case for a display piece
  5. When you coming for the XT Foams? You know you NEED it!
  6. She's not arrived yet, I'm hoping she comes next week.
  7. I thought about putting a note in saying 'find what your looking for cunt?'
  8. I want to catch him in the act and watch him squirm
  9. My mates got an indie les Paul. It's a really good guitar I've been trying to buy it off him for ages but he won't get rid. It's bastard about your guitar would of been a nice memento.
  10. It's a squire classic vibe. If it said fender on the stock you wouldn't be able to tell. Really good quality, I'm not even going to bother changing the pick ups either they're that good.
  11. It's just been going on so long now I've had enough. Wtf does he get out of doing it? He must think I'm thick.
  12. The padlock idea is good but I want to catch him red handed.
  13. The director, manager are nice guys but they are Asian so they will side with him FACT. Also think about it, if I go tell the manager what he's doing he will think I'm paranoid or something. It doesn't make sense does it? Who in the right mind would go through a work colleagues bag every shift?
  14. Haha tie him to the XT yeah I would I too.
  15. He is a retard, obviously if I could of I would of tried to sort it the civilised way. We're talking about a 30 year old man that looks to see what's in my bag every time I work with him. He's a knob and no one likes him. If I challenge him he will deny it, also he's the managers pet.
  16. It's not funny the cunt goes through my bag every time I do a shift with him. I could get a rape alarm and wire that to the zips.
  17. This guy at work goes in my bag when I leave the room. It got to the point where I just think it's a joke but I'm sick of it now. He doesn't steal out he just looks in it but is so thick will leave the zip opened or something so it's obvious for me to notice. I can't understand why he does it. I think he is hoping to find drugs or something so he can get me into trouble or something. I haven't challenged him because he will deny it. Also I haven't told my manager because he hasn't stole anything and he will deny it. Also the guy is a Muslim and so is my manager so he will turn it round on me calling me a racist etc. I'm sick of it now it has been going on for nearly a year. I don't know what to do, maybe video him somehow?
  18. I've just put it on now starting at 300, remember that I've just paid 270 to get it back ffs. It will be nice to pass it on lol.
  19. Tbh I think yeah I should just get rid. I should of sold it to that guy for £600 when I had chance. Might put it on evil bay.
  20. Right I've got the XT back it only cost me £270 and I'm back to square one with it. I now have two options. 1) remove the engine and strip it all down until I get to the gearbox to determine the problem 2) buy another engine and put that in. If I replace the engine won't it be a complete ball ache to inform dvla of different engine number etc, also will it decrease the value?
  21. I'm seriously considering going into politics when I'm 40. If you can't beat them join them.
  22. They get their petrol taxed haha, they only pay 50p a litre or something ffs
  23. I recently saw a watch I really liked but it was £375, so I thought it was too expensive and did an online search and found the watch for £190 on an online American shop. I then set about persuading my girlfriend why I needed it. Anyway I ordered it but when it came I had to pay £60 odd fucking quid to the UPS guy for tax & customs. I didn't know about this. I still got a good deal though. I've just been looking at guitars and they are hundreds of pounds cheaper than what we pay in the UK. Our Governmnt are really screwing us over, it is ridiculous how much we pay for things. We pay double sometimes for what an American would pay. It's a fucking joke. It is unbelievable.
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