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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Thanks guys. I can't fault her apart from now I am a more experienced rider, she is beginning to feel a little bit slow.
  2. I think it's been a good thread, I've learned a lot from it.
  3. Grouch

    yzf r125

    That was a good price
  4. I'll check the alignment, that sounds like a possibility. But I think It's the disc because it is worn to death, and definitely needs replacing.
  5. Obviously there is no way manhole covers are going to get non-slip covers or be relocated, I'm not deluded lol. I'm just voicing my opinion that they are situated in inconvenient and dangerous locations for bikers. Also I'm not having a dig at the utility services. I know they have been in place for years and it is totally out of their control where they are placed. The contemporary services have inherited the problem and have to work with what they are given.
  6. If the garage can't do it, then they are not very competent mechanics.
  7. Grouch

    yzf r125

    Don't worry about it mate, we have all fucked up at some point lol. How much do they want?
  8. I wouldn't advise you to keep your bike on your drive overnight, that's just asking it for it to be stolen. It sounds like the bolts have threaded or the heads on them have rounded making them unable to unscrew.
  9. The thing is with XT engines, especially a 2006 model, they are very basic engines and require little or no maintenance. For an engine as modern as yours to blow it is unheard of, Yamaha engines especially are known for being bullet proof and lasting forever. For your engine to blow or whatever happened to it, the guy who had it before you must of never put oil in it or serviced it. I know it seems like everything's going wrong at the minute, but you will eventually get it all sorted and you won't look back. It will make it even more rewarding. I have had countless fuck ups as well, When I first got my bike I got ripped off by a garage, my speedo has fucked up, now I need new brake discs, I've gone through 3 sets of brake pads, a new clutch cable, chain and sprocket, bought a new battery that I didn't even need, new front tyre, and other shit I can't remember. Welcome to the world of motorbikes.
  10. The thing with XT's is every year's model has slight alterations. When buying parts you need to make sure it is the same model as your XT. That seem's like a good price though, providing it all works. You do need to be careful with garage's and other seller's. I got ripped off big time a few months ago, the guy knew that I knew he was conning me and I couldn't do a thing about it. I learned that the hard way. That's another reason why it's a good idea to start learning basic maintenance on your machine.
  11. Grouch

    yzf r125

    Hi Maffy, before people will respond to your question you will need to write an intro in the newbie section.
  12. How much did you pay for a new engine?
  13. Brilliant idea, using actual tarmac. They should use the trays on all man holes.
  14. I've never seen them.
  15. Mines an Oxford cover, I think it's an aquatex or something. Living on the coast I would of thought the salt in the sea air would corrode your bike a lot faster.
  16. No I always let the bike cool down first so it doesn't melt the cover. The odd time I have put the cover on after a ride when it has been raining.
  17. The owners or the relevant authorities should cover the grates with a rubbery type substance to put an end to the danger. Haha we should start a campaign.
  18. I only got my bike in March and I didn't have a clue about the maintenance side of things either. I didn't have any confidence either, but with a bit of help from the guys on here I have done loads of work now. I've replaced brake pads, handlebars, clutch cable, I've even replaced the rear brake caliper. Once you start doing bits and bats you'll get a taste for it and even start enjoying it. It's a big ask replacing a whole engine on your own especially if you don't have a clue what your doing. Don't you have any friends or family with any experience that can help you? Where abouts in the U.K. are you?
  19. I hardly come across them. But yeah, can be just as dangerous.
  20. Thanks, now I get it.
  21. Have you tried www.wemoto.com, also I have found loads of parts on amazon and ebay. I know youve probably already tried ebay. YBR's are very similar to XT's so check if certain XT parts will fit it.
  22. Sorry, I'm not sure what a 'stepped middle ring is'?
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