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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Haha love it, there was no way I was allowed to keep my field bikes in the house when I was living with my parents. What are you doing at college?
  2. Welcome, if you post your dilemma in the workshop section, I'm sure someone will be able to help you.
  3. Thanks bippo, they are great little bikes. They are perfect for a beginner.
  4. I seem to see a lot of YBR's on the roads now, they are very popular bikes. Nice YBR mate.
  5. Cheers DT, I already have my bike booked in on the 25th to get a speedo fitted so I'm just going to get them to do it. It won't cost too much in labour. I just can't be arsed at the moment, I know once I start it, something else will go wrong. I'm stressed out enough at the minute.
  6. Cheers Tony, Ttask master I won't be applying this logic to all motorcycle related purchases. I'm actually replacing the disc and then learned that I had to buy new pads as well. I went to unscrew a bolt in the disc and it rounded (typical) it looks like they are the original bolts and it is the original disc, my bike is a 2006 model. I really can not be arsed messing about with rounded bolts, I am out of my depth so I am geting a professional to do it.
  7. Cheers, I am glad you have overcome the problem. I know how frustrating and dis-heartening it is when your bike is in a state of dis-repair. Now your engine is sorted your bike will be trouble free more or less, apart from routine maintenence, and I'm very certain you will not regret buying an XT. If I was you I would make the most of the weekend and go out for a long ride.
  8. Unlucky mate, I can imagine how gutted you are.
  9. Cheers, I bought them from eBay for £20
  10. 11. When repairing/maintaining your machine, everything will run smoothly until you get to the last nut or bolt, which will be rounded or seized.
  11. Thanks for the advice Dt, I will make sure I break them in properly.
  12. I've just bought some new brake pads. They are 'sintered', what's the difference and what does sintered mean? They were more expensive than the others so I assumed they would be better.
  13. I have to deal with idiot drivers on a daily basis. Car drivers seem to think that they have priority over bikes. Every time an idiot pulls out in front of me or drives like a complete idiot they never look at me because they know they are in the wrong.
  14. I wanted to go to Squires but I work on weekends at the moment. I don't know what to do yet, my insurance runs up until March so I can't think about out until that runs out. I keep changing my mind whether to get a 125 2T or do my big bike test.
  15. I want the stormtrooper set, no chance at that price though.
  16. Grouch


    £25 I was thinking it would cost a hell of a lot more than that. For that price it seems very tempting. Even if insurers don't take it into account it would be priceless for a beginner like me.
  17. That's what I call a result. I'd have bitten the guy's hand off, sounds like an excellent opportunity.
  18. You've just had some bad luck and it seems like you have been ripped off. Post some pics and as much info as you can and I'm sure someone on the forum will be able to help you.
  19. Grouch


    You can't lose then, I bet it costs a bomb in England. It's a shame really because if it was free loads of people would do it which would reduce accidents.
  20. Grouch


    Was it free? If it was you can't go wrong. I would think it will reduce your insurance as well. I'm not sure if it will be free in England.
  21. It looks a lot better on the pictures than I thought it would. It will look even better whn I put new brake discs on, also from looking at the pics a new sprocket will improve it's looks as well. Get it done, I'm proper dying for a 2T
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