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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I'm not sure, but the copper to do you for it would have to be a prick, or you must of gobbed off to them!
  2. Welcome to the forum. Us XT 125 X owners seem to be growing in number every day.
  3. Welcome to the forum, you've got a really nice bike there.
  4. Would Castrol Power 1 Racing be ok for my supermoto? After researching that is what I want to use. Also can you mix engine oil, for example if I fill it up with Castrol, then a few months later I need to top it up with Motul?
  5. Grouch


    Some people need some sense beating into them. That would of really wound me up, to the point where I would be dying to go round to his house and have it out with him.
  6. Grouch

    Jimmy Saville

    It seems every Tom, Dick, and Harry has been molested by him.
  7. Cheers Mike, I think I will start blathering my chain even more now.
  8. I have now established that my bike indeed does not have a conventional oil filter, it is a strainer which I can just remove and clean. http://www.fixya.com/motorcycles/t1778464-oil_filter_yamaha_xt_125
  9. Just googled it and look what appeared
  10. I have just found out that I have to dismantle my engine to access the filter, also I think my bike has a strainer and not a conventional filter?
  11. Just a few teething problems, you'll soon be problem free and riding at 100%!
  12. Thanks, I suspect it is the latter. I will just have to put up with it, it's not a major issue I suppose.
  13. The chain and sprockets are about 4/5 months old. What do you think the possible causes could be? I do regularly lube my chain with a good quality lube.
  14. I'm sick to death of idiot drivers, we should set a vigilante 'Mad Max' style biker gang up to educate them lol.
  15. I seem to be tightening my chain up every few weeks. I do use my bike every day and ride it hard, but is this normal?
  16. Grouch


    So thats probably why the little dickhead has had no negative comments yet.
  17. Grouch


    I went to give the little wanker some negative feedback but it will only allow me to select positive or I'll leave feedback later. Is this because he hasn't paid me?
  18. Grouch


    The thing that has pissed me off the most is the idiot has ignored my messages. I even sent him one saying it's ok if you have changed your mind, jut let me know so I can relist it. He has bought four items since bidding on my game.
  19. Grouch

    Very Very Lucky

    Could of been a lot worse, it's idiots like that what cause fatalities and end up coming out of it with a few scratches, all for been careless.
  20. Grouch


    I've just relisted it now and added a few quid onto the price for my troubles. The little dickhead still hasn't answered my messages and he's bought something as recentley as yeterday. What an idiot. I just don't understand some people.
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