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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Thats down to idiots clicking on dodgy links. If someones stupid enough to click in links asking for their bank details or passwords, then they deserve to be hacked.
  2. Apple employ the worlds elite in hackers to beat them at their own game. Macbooks don't get virus's.
  3. Not keen on that style, it has to be full fairings. I really like the MV Augusta F3's.
  4. I thought about changing the rubber but they are glued on or something and would be a ballache to change. It's my day off work tomorrow so I'm going to have a go, I also a new bash plate to put on.
  5. I'm changing them because the rubber is really worn down, nearly to the metal. Also I found the replacements cheap on eBay. I daren't take the existing ones of because the fixings are all corroded and rusted, knowing my luck something will go wrong and there's no way I can ride my bike without pegs.
  6. I never thought about test riding bikes. I would love to buy a used one from a dealer all nice and shiny lol. Dealers are too greedy though, I can easily save myself a grand buying private. It's just matter of patience and perseverance.
  7. I thought iPhones were wank and was sick of everyone banging on about them all the time. I had an HTC and it kept fucking up. I had to send it back to HTC twice, so eventually I thought sod it and got an iPhone. I love it, they are excellent and definitely the best phones going. I won't get another now apart from iPhones. The security on iPhones is the bollocks, they can't be hacked unlike android phones.
  8. I'm not going to rush into it, what I meant is I might see the perfect bike but it night be 400 miles away down south etc.
  9. It sounds like a really good bit of kit, especially the extra brake lights. I don't think a box would look right on my XT though. I want it to look as much as an off roader/crosser type bike as I can. I would definitely get a box if I had the same style bike as yours though.
  10. I bet he has been checking on the thread but not logging in.
  11. Yeah it's fully synthetic, it's to late now to get semi, I've got 1 litre of 10w30 and 4 litres of 10w40 lol, that should last until I sell the bike in March.
  12. Show us some pics of it on your bike. I would love to put a box on my bike but it would look gay lol, I'll stick to my rucksack lol.
  13. A big factor in my decision is what is available at the time. I just can't make my mind up. I need to start thinkling about getting my test booked. I'm that busy wioth work and Uni though it keeps getting put off.
  14. I am at work at the minute. I had a look at the existing pegs and the fixings are all rusted and I have a bad feeling that once I start removing them, they will have seized and I won't be able to get them off. I might just blather them in WD40 overnight before I start to change them.
  15. Looks like a really nice bike, how was it for quality and reliability?
  16. I will use for my sm for commuting and then on a weekend I can go out and give it some on a superbike lol, also I can be a posing little cunt lol.
  17. I have just got some new foot pegs for my XT. I had a quick look today and the fitting for the old ones are rusted and corroded solid. I can't afford to start the job and then fucking it up, because I will have no transport. Can any one offer any words of wisdom? I'm wary of the pin snapping and not been able to get it out.
  18. No he's a big red nose cunt that really gets under my skin. It's pathetic how all the refs are scared and intimidated by him. A few years after the twat goes Utd will be where Liverpool are now. Also Rooney is totally overrated.
  19. I wouldn't involve the insurers, this will just over complicate things and increase your premium. As above, just completely drain the tank and carbs. Feel for you mate, must be a right head fuck.
  20. Its definitely got to be another sm or enduro. Eventually I want a sports bike for the weekend.
  21. I don't think so, have a look at my pic in my sig.
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