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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Thanks DD, the first one looks suspect and the others are in poor condition. I'll have to take a gamble because brand new will cost a fortune. Plus come March she's getting sold.
  2. No mate, it's the housing that goes around that. I need to have a proper look. I hope it does turn out to be that simple.
  3. Grouch

    bike advice

    You can't really go wrong with any Japanese machine.
  4. Hope you have all had a great Christmas. I haven't been on here for a while because I've just been too busy. Anyway, the other day I started my bike and the revs were really high because the cable was stuck inside the housing on the handlebars. I looked at it and it appears that a bit of plastic has snapped inside causing the head on the end of the cable not been able to grip. This has really pissed me off, If I can I want to sort it myself otherwise it's a trip to the garage again! I've now got no transport and it is really annoying. I am going to have a proper look at it today. Has anybody got suggestions? Also can someone give me an idea of the cost if I take it to a mechanic? Cheers guys.
  5. Grouch

    New Gloves

    I'm all set to buy a pair of these, people have been saying they are really good. Are they worth buying?
  6. A TZR 125 will max out at 90.
  7. I'm just going to put up with it until I get a bigger bike. Last thing I can be arsed with is messing with electrics. I've already made it worse.
  8. Hows your XT 600 handling in the minus conditions? An XT 600 is next on my list, is it up to the job?
  9. Fffs, you'll all be wearing pinny's and cleaning your kitchens next.
  10. Hi Mark, I had my heart set on one, but after this thread decided to get an XT 600. God Damn they are a nice machine. I've watched a lot of video's on YouTube featuring them, and they are a powerful bit of kit.
  11. Grouch


    I think I'll have a look at some starter kits in Wilkinsons.
  12. I have two choices 1) Fire the XT up, 2) Use public transport. I promised myself I would never use public transport again after getting my bike. Dirty, smelly buses full of chavvy little kids screaming and shouting. Fuck That. Also I wouldn't be much of a Yorkshireman fretting over a bit of ice, snow, and cold. Haha.
  13. Grouch


    I'm thinking about turning my bedroom into a microbrewery. I've always fancied having a go but I am a complete novice. I imagine brewing wine would be the easiest? I've been looking at wine kits on-line and it seems cheap enough, the only doubt I have is the quality of the finished product. Also I would think it takes a lot of time, effort, and mess, is it worth it all?
  14. Grouch

    Cleaning gloves

    What about blathering them inside with Febreeze?
  15. I'm 29, 30 in December, so I don't think the law changes will affect me??? I think now the winter has kicked in there will only be the proper bikers on the roads. I've noticed already a change of attitudes in other bikers, they all nod at me now.
  16. So today I attempted to fit my new xenon bulbs bought from eBay. Firstly what a complete ballache head fuck it was just to gain access to the headlight bulbs. Anyway the bulbs I received were not the bayonet type fitting, so I could not fit them. I was fuming. Am I missing something? i.e. do I have to modify the fitting or something? It states on the advert that they just replace the old bulbs with no modifications needed. Anyway when I finally fixed everything back together, my high beam is the only light that works and not my sidelight. I am well pissed off. Have I been sent the wrong bulbs or do I have to do something to modify the fitting? (which I am not prepared to do)!
  17. Grouch

    Mod 1

    Nice one and well done. You'll pass it easy.
  18. I have been riding on the roads since March doing at least 10 miles a day. I didn't mean I won't need any lessons, I just meant I don't think I will need that many because I am a competent rider. This is not arrogance, this s just confidence.
  19. I'll just have to take it easy. I've got sone decent tyres so I'll be ok. I'm not planning on any long distance trips.
  20. I'm riding all year round regardless of the weather, it's either fire the XT up or get a bus. I made a conscious decision never to use public transport again.
  21. I'm up North, I keep getting told conflicting stories. Might just go with the guy I spoke to yesterday.
  22. Welcome to the forum, I live next door in Bradford. I went to look at Wainhouse Tower the other day.
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