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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Well she's going to the garage on Tuesday for another problem so I'll mention it to the mechanic. More fucking expense.
  2. I'm going to phone them direct, I've decided to get theft cover as well now. Was just a thought I had about saving money.
  3. For £20 get them, worth a try. I personally would use fairings even on a 50, I'm not to keen on nakeds, can see their appeal though.
  4. I have done it more times than I care to mention. With my bike only been a little 125 it never causes damage. You can get illuminious plastic bungee cords for about a quid of eBay that attach to the disc lock and then to your ignition.
  5. Cheers Ken, what do you mean about the fuelling system? Does it guzzle it?
  6. Ouch, that could cause some right damage to your leg, especially if your not wearing boots.
  7. Update! After a day of standing started my bike and it fired first time, seemed ok for a few miles then started being dodgy. I risked venturing out and filled her with fuel. She seems back to normal to an extent. It is still not right though. I'm taking it to a garage, I can't be arsed fucking about with it. I just want it sorted.
  8. Not sure what type it is but the chain and sprocket set cost me £70, so it should last a good 10,000 miles.
  9. Yes this would work but are all links split links????????
  10. That's settled then, I'm switching to iridium.
  11. I'm on my second chain and sprocket set since March, the latest one is a top quality one and I have had to tighten it three times already from getting it a few months ago. The problem is there is not enough space left at the end of the swing arm to keep tightening it, therefore before long I will be on set number three! I regularly clean and lube the chain with good quality lube.
  12. Is the speedo in question from your DT? If so look at the speedo dial and locate the cable(s) coming from it. Follow the cables to where they end and closely look at them to see if there are any breaks in the cable. Also closely check where both ends connect.
  13. I wouldn't dare use a 50 or a ped. Had plenty when I was a kid, it's bad enough having a 125.
  14. I did today, it started then did the same thing. I checked the air filter, spark plug, and nooks and crannies and e early where is dry. The garage are coming Tuesday to pick it up.
  15. Whipped the old seat off, everything is dry filter etc. WD-40'd the spark plug and no joy. I'm well pissed off. Had to get a bus today : ( booked her into the garage. She's getting picked up Tuesday.
  16. No Mark, I've still got my 125, put the test off until this summer, but I think I'm going to get an XT 660 and possibly a WR for weekends.
  17. Thanks guys I'll take the seat off and have a good look. Love the diagram Beef, thanks.
  18. About a month ago I was riding around and my bike like spluttered and then cut out. It took me many attempts to restart it and I had to leave it to stand for ages. The problem seemed to of sort itself out after I used Redex. Now today after work on my way home in the pissing down rain it did it again the same thing. I was riding it and as soon as I gave it some throttle it died down coughing and spluttering, lost power and cut out. Then it wouldn't start, I even tried bumping it, then after about 20 mins it kicked up again. Then it died as soon as I got to my house (Lucky). Does anyone know what the problem could be? I don't want to take it to a garage if I can help it. Cheers Guys.
  19. I am with MCE at the minute and they offer the best deal especially with extras such as free breakdown cover etc. I have only used a compare site though. This afternoon I decided to get a renewal quote through a compare site and it is less than half what I paid last year. But with MCE again, they are always the cheapest, so I am going to phone them direct soon to get a quote. Now that I am paying less than half I did, I would be an idiot not to go third party fire and theft again.
  20. This is why I am having to seriously consider my options. Every person I know has been shafted severely when having their bike stolen. I totally understand your view, but aren't they all as bad as each other? Also how long would it take to find the 'perfect insurer?' It would take a week, but then I suppose it would be worth it because you could stick with them for life.
  21. I got smoked by a 2T good and proper lol, it wasn't a pleasant feeling.
  22. Haha, I've been meaning to change it for ages now.
  23. Cheers Neo, but they're the ones I use, cost £5 odd from WeMoto. This time I just couldn't be arsed waiting for one to come. I was eager to change the oil because I have shit loads of it.
  24. It's just when people do have their bikes stolen, they get a third of its value back if that. So why bother?
  25. It's been that long since I've had a field bike, I'd forgotten what they look like.
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