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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I like the silver reflective material but not the yellow shite, unless I'm at a rave.
  2. Last Wednesday they told me the disc was out of stock and will take 5 days to come. It should be done in a few days. They are taking the piss now though.
  3. The guys at the garage just work there, they don't own it, so they don't have out to gain by ripping me off. Also I have made it clear top then that I will not be taken for a fool. They seem like nice enough blokes and they have repaired my bike before, new front disc and speedo fitting (remember all the fuss about my speedo).
  4. Luckily they were expecting the brake disc today so they haven't started any work on it. I have phoned them and instructed them to look at the engine first. I was thinking about this the other day and forgot. Thanks Preload, you may have saved me a lot of money.
  5. Exactly what I was thinking, I'm phoning them now.
  6. I think nowadays the majority of people get married for the wrong reasons i.e. being the centre of attention for the day and trying to better the last persons wedding. A big F off do resulting in tens of thousands of pounds of debt.
  7. It's good stuff, I blather every inch of my chain in it and it sticks well. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/C2-MOTUL-CLEAR-CHAIN-LUBE-ROAD-MOTORCYCLE-MOTOR-BIKE-O-X-Z-RING-RACE-GO-KART-/360595951884?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item53f531910c
  8. Grouch


    You have no way of knowing until you ask them. Insurance is like a lucky dip, you never know when it's going to be good or bad. Personally I wouldn't bother declaring but that's me and I don't recommend it.
  9. I use Motul chain lube, it costs about a tenner for a tin.
  10. I'm only joking, I'd never get a divorce, don't think I'll ever marry. The social norm is changing nowadays.
  11. When I get divorced, she gets the house, cars, bikes, and cats, I get fuck all.
  12. Not a total loss then : )
  13. Haha I'm taking over her garage, I'm going to be storing at least one bike in it soon. She doesn't have a say in the matter lol.
  14. I have a basic set of tools that I get by with, but I don't have a workshop. My girlfriend has a garage with electric, but she lives 11 miles away. I am thinking of commandeering that because she doesn't use it.
  15. In theory yes they should make you appear a lot more visible, but you could be riding round with the Blackpool Illuminations on your bike and you still would get unnoticed. But logically thinking wearing high vis should increase your visibility.
  16. No I don't and never will. It looks ridiculous. Also I don't think it makes the blind bit of difference. If they can't see a motorcycle and its rider in daylight or with their lights on in the dark, what difference would high vis make?
  17. I think we should get a collection going to help me in my time of need. Seriously though I am starting to regret not doing the bulk of the work myself, but lesson learned. No McDonalds, Subways, Nando's, scratch cards, alcohol, or other luxuries for a month or so. Funny because I'm dying to get stuck in and get my hands dirty now.
  18. Is your original one damaged? Looks like it will fit ok.
  19. Low life scum fucks, tbh if a bike came back in that state I wouldn't want it, won't your insurers pay for it repairing?
  20. You evil bastards haha, they are waiting for a disc to come so it will be next week. I am upping my estimate to £400! Please guys don't f'ing jinx me haha.
  21. Haha welcome to my world, I've worn the pads to the metal twice. Never again though. Luckily my disc was already f'd so needed a new one anyway.
  22. I collect vinyl and play with turntables, I love music of all genres but dance music is my favourite. I also own a few guitars, keyboards, and a synth but can't play them. Other than that football.
  23. Good on you Conna for trying to reunite the pictures with their owner, good luck.
  24. Thanks, I have looked at the Dakar's, they're a very attractive bike and being BMW's I would imagine they're well built.
  25. Yeah the flip lids are great and very practical, especially at the petrol stations etc.
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