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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Grouch

    Latest Disaster

    I'm such a knob! I've only gone and fitted it without luring it, would of been easier and a better job doing it while it was off. I didn't lube the old one either.
  2. Grouch

    Latest Disaster

    Wow, I need to pull my finger out now and spend time looking after my bike.
  3. Grouch

    Latest Disaster

    I know what's caused it, lack of lube, heavy handedness?
  4. Grouch

    Latest Disaster

    Haha the Grouch Dance, hilarious. So how do you ride without a clutch?
  5. Grouch

    Latest Disaster

    I started to ride it but it was the school rush hour and it just kept stalling. There were too many traffic lights and junctions.
  6. Grouch

    Latest Disaster

    Well after a few weeks of trouble free riding, today my clutch cable snapped. The worst thing was pushing my bike home 3 miles. By the time I got home I was shaking and soaked in sweat. When I phoned the garage up to order a new cable the guy couldn't believe it. I can fit it myself, I only fit a new one about 12 months ago.
  7. Grouch

    Module 1

    Excellent news Bippo, well done.
  8. Nice one, its going to drag until Monday though
  9. http://groceries.asda.com/asda-estore/catalog/sectionpagecontainer.jsp?skuId=910000393008&departmentid=1214921923802&aisleid=1215109789406&startValue=251&referrer=cookiesDetecting
  10. I do it on roads that I know are speed camera free and when there is no no other traffic about.
  11. You have misunderstood me, obviously we like to test the capabilities of our machines, all I'm saying is there is a time and place for it.
  12. No it's all down to individual tastes. Some people like yourself prefer a black DT, I would want a blue one.
  13. They do like nice in black, I just think makes should stick to their own brand colour, if I ever get a ninja it would have to be green and when I eventually get a Ducati it will be red.
  14. No one of the reasons I bought a Yam is because they are blue. I wouldn't buy a Yam unless it was blue. Might seem a bit daft but that's just my O.
  15. Nah the bike is running fine now, was a bit apprehensive about redlining after my rear wheel bearings on the bypass. But over it now. Brown nose
  16. If I got my bike for the sole purpose of riding like a dickhead I still wouldn't have it because I would be dead or have lost my licence
  17. If people are stupid enough to reach silly speeds on busy roads then they are asking to get caught. Always make sure you know the road and that there is no one about.
  18. Decent 2T is approx £10 a litre, you get what you pay for. Personally I would buy Castrol.
  19. How about some protection in case you come across a family cannibals? Seriously though, just take a basic tool kit, a can or two of red bull & some food/chocolate.
  20. A claw hammer to smash pad locks off gates blocking your way
  21. Main thing is your bikes sorted, now you know how easy it is to ride around with a flat tyre and not realise haha.
  22. A DT 125 X is a SuperMoto and the wheels/tyres are a lot wider than the trail/enduro DT's.
  23. Keeping the XT even when I get my full licence, I'll only get a grand for her so I'd rather keep her. Possibly use for winter.
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