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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Hi, before posting questions it would be a good idea to post an intro thread in the intro section. That way people will respond a lot more.
  2. No I couldn't do it, £605 was a good price but even if I got a grand I would be losing out big time, and yes they are the same engines. Foamy it says to drain the oil completely in the manual.
  3. I am the XT 125 speedo expert. Your speedo is fucked just buy a new one. The digitech ones are really good. Do a forum search and refer to my previous threads.
  4. Update, My bike reached the £605 on eBay but I didn't sell her, was tempted but couldn't go through with it. So I'm going to fix her myself.
  5. It's probably just your model is a certain type that was produced for a certain market i.e. the European continent.
  6. As you all know I have had problem after problem with my XT from the day 1. From minor to major and everything in between. I have spent close to £2k in parts and labour since buying her just over a year ago. The latest problem is the clutch. I can only get 2nd and 3rd gear and there is a rattling sound coming from the clutch area of the bike. Now as you have probably guessed I am not the most gifted person when it comes to the mechanical side of bikes, but I intend to try and sort this problem out myself. I am going to begin by opening the clutch cover and having a look so I can compare and consult with my Haynes. The bike sold on eBay for £605 and I was really tempted to let her go but just couldn't. It generated loads of interest but I would be silly selling her now after all the money I have spent. Once this problem is sorted the bike will more or less have been rebuilt. The last thing I want to do is give in (again) and go to the garage. So please bare with me and be patient!
  7. Grouch

    ebay costs

    No it's not honest.
  8. Sounds good but knowing my luck it would start thundering lighting and the heavens would open up. Hopefully I can open it up and get it sorted.
  9. Grouch

    ebay costs

    Just seeing where it goes that's all.
  10. Grouch

    ebay costs

    Depends how much you sell it for, my bike was up for £500 reserve and I think it would of cost £16 odd
  11. Grouch

    selling my dt

    Not considered the TZR? I would get a Mito, eventually I am buying one myself. I too really like the Honda's though. Hope you can find a nice example of a model. For the money I don't think you will struggle.
  12. For me it's the mechanical side of things. I just love getting stuck in and getting covered in dirt and oil.
  13. It sounds like it, it feels like it can't click onto something if that makes sense.
  14. Thanks Noise, there is a rattling sound coming from the clutch area of the engine.
  15. I think you can only tax for 6 months on the higher capacity machines, could be wrong.
  16. Just out of curiosity I want to see what happens
  17. I will do with pics, will start at the weekend hopefully.
  18. Thanks Ken, it was really bad. This time, I felt liked just setting it on fire in a field this time. The other thing is people taking the piss (not on here) I have become a laughing stock at work and I think now my bosses think I'm making it up to come into work late etc. Must admit the stick I have got on here has snapped me out of it and persuaded me to sort it and not just give in after all the crap I've put up with. A lot of little things have happened that I haven't even mentioned like it getting vandalised etc. I know people must be sick of me moaning by now, but I need to vent it somewhere.
  19. Haha I have to admit I a, sat here chuckling to myself but there would be something seriously wrong if I was unable to maintain and repair a mountain bike.
  20. Also forgot to mention my dad lives 80 odd miles away at the seaside. Your making it sound like I have done fuck all to the bike myself. I have fixed and repaired it many times from fitting a new brake calliper and bleeding the brakes (after stripping the original calliper and realising it was fucked) to changing cables, fitting handlebars and brake pads. Loads of basic things which yes in your eyes is piss easy, but I have had to start somewhere. I have now decided to keep the bike and fix it, another few hundred quid on an engine is nothing compared to the money I have spent on her so far. I am taking it to a friends garage where I will look at the engine myself and try to determine what the problem is.
  21. Haha no, I like to read other people's input and opinions. It gives me food for thought.
  22. My dad won't help me because he has ill health and when he does feel well enough which is rare he isn't going to spend it fixing my bike. Also I have learned plenty of things about bikes and have repaired loads of things. I only took the bike to the garage for, electrics, tyre fitting, fork seals, bearings and things I needed specialist tools for. I don't want to keep pumping money into a bike that is seven years old and has been abused and thrashed. I am reluctant to puta new engine in because then I will have to inform the DVLA pno doubt pay them and them and lose value on the bike. Also we don't get summers in northern England.
  23. Haha I already have decided to do that Bippo. I have a mountain bike coming on Friday and will be using that for about four months or however long it takes me to save a couple of grand for a new bike. I am not going to rush in and buy the first one that comes along this time. I plan on buying one that is max three years old and from a dealer.
  24. I know I'm a coward and if it was the early 20th century I would be shot for cowardice. I haven't even taken into account all the cables, indicators, bulbs, nuts & bolts, etc. I'm useless with my hands. My dad can't be arsed helping me. Has one of the best Snap-On collections I have ever seen as well. I suppose I have been lazy and unmotivated a lot. I have no patience and have to be instantly gratified. Seized & threaded bolts have put me off the most.
  25. Not my style but the engine would fit into mine. Bippo we got our bikes at around the same time and mine has been an hindrance and has held me back. I should be in your position now with a full licence. Doomed to my L plates forever : (
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