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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I've got an old Eko 12 string in need of restoring.
  2. I didn't realise so many of you were into guitars. I decided to learn to play. So I ended up buying 5 guitars. I saved a lot of money while the XT was stood haha. I've learned a few bits and bats but I'm going to get lessons. I really need to do it properly.
  3. The dealers are recieving the bike on Thursday/Friday. Then they are going to check it, put oil in it, tax it etc. so prob next week.
  4. Is anyone else into playing the guitar?
  5. If your over 24 just do your big test.
  6. I'm not going to start interfering with it myself. I will be taking it to a Yamaha dealer to be serviced. The last thing I'm going to do is start carrying out DIY work. All I have to do is sit back and relax and use the warranty. I'm going to be reading in detail the manual and doing every step and procedure by the book. There's no way I'm going to go through what I did with the XT. Thanks DT I'm sure I will be fine. I am really pleased with the deal I got on the bike. I did my research and found the cheapest price going. I've never had a new machine before so I just want to make sure I run it in right etc.
  7. I saw one at Squires and liked them ever since. They're a lot nicer than the BMW's to look at. I'm going to get it insured now, hopefully I can find a cheaper quote than £1500 I got last time.
  8. Good thread, I'm thinking of getting a camera mainly for back up as evidence in case out happens but also for posting anonymous videos online haha.
  9. Got my reg today, really excited now. Bippo which model Tiger do you have? I really like the 800 XC models. They are really nice bikes. Yeah I will be making sure it gets it's FSH. No point in skimping on a brand new machine.
  10. So I need to run the engine in for a 1000 miles? Fuck taking it to a dealer to be serviced, I can change the oil myself. They will probably put the cheapest shittest oil going in it. What's the best way to run a bike in? There are two methods from what I can find. The nice and gentle way or the aggressive hard way?
  11. For £35 you'll get your money's worth spending hours messing with it.
  12. For some reason I thought I would have to take the bike for its first services to the place I bought it and they would be free. Obviously I can take it to be serviced anywhere and will have to pay.
  13. Thanks. When the bike goes on for its services do I have to pay a set amount for it?
  14. Haha I know none was taken. I thought you was going to tell me that there is a special time consuming pain staking procedure to remove the engine that will take days.
  15. Thanks Noise. I'm not as inept as people think on here. I know I could do it as long as I dont encounter rounded bolts/screws. I have learned quite a lot since buying the XT.
  16. What! Are you doubting my skill as a mechanic? I bet I could do it in less than 8 hours.
  17. As long as I take my time I should be ok, should get it done in a day I will be doing everything properly on it. The last thing I want is to fuck the engine. I will be taking it steady for the first 500 miles or whatever it is.
  18. Yeah an extra 5hp than the XT, I'll be fine on it I'm going to have a go at swapping engines myself. It can't be that hard if I just take not of what I'm doing when I remove the old one.
  19. Maybe a week or so. They need to sort the registration and I need to sign the paperwork etc.
  20. The garage doesn't know, sounds like the garage I used to use. Try this...... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-Ignition-Lock-Set-Yamaha-YBR125-Petrol-Cap-Seat-Lock-/190633104295?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts_13&hash=item2c629e53a7
  21. Grouch

    Deja vu

    Cheers, going to put the XT into storage until I find an engine then sell it spring/summer.
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