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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Thanks for the info guys. So basically it's just new technology creeping in. Eventual carbs will be fazed out and become obsolete? When I turn the ignition on it makes a sound like its warming up or something. Also are kick starts not compatable with EFI?
  2. Grouch


    I just can't understand why people love it so much. Fair enough a few years worth of shows but, now it is just the same stale old shite. There's only a minimal amount of the population who have a special talent that moves you when they sing. I saw some freak called Rylan who was an attention seeking queer who could not sing at all, I nearly punched the tv through ffs.
  3. Grouch


    I really despise this complete bag of shit that has ruined the music industry. Every year the winner gets the Xmas number 1 and brings their shitty album out compiled mainly with covers. Some spoilt little shit wins and becomes a popstar (for at least a few months) and it's all we hear about in the media. An horrible little shit who has never worked a day in their life and haven't even become an adult and joined the real world. I never watch the crap but from what I have seen and heard none of them have any natural talent (all their voices are electronically enhanced using computers). They are told what to say, wear, act, eat, drink etc. they are even given their sob stories so they can win the viewers overs. The whole show is a fix and is purely done for entertainment (the same as WWF wrestling). We have to put up with this complete fucking wank for over ten years (it started off as pop idol) when will it end? Surely the retards that watch it and are so passionate about it will start to get bored of it? If only
  4. Hi guys. I've noticed my bike doesn't have a carb because it's a fuel injection engine. Can someone explain the pros and cons (is this why I can't find a choke?) btw the bike is going really well. I'm finding surprises on it everyday. I'm really impressed with all the quality parts for example the Brembo brakes are amazing, they are nearly too good.
  5. Great adventure Bippo. Now that I have a mechanically sound machine and total confidence I am going to be going on some adventures in the new year. I will be definitely going to Squires for some meets. I have just wasted this summer. I was that depressed about all the fuck ups that I nearly lost all of my passion for biking.
  6. Aha! So the scum cunt$ are trying to get people to post their tax discs so they can cash them in. Ffs what a shit society we live in.
  7. Hi guys got a letter saying I had to declare my XT off the road and post my tax disc back to the DVLA. I then noticed the letter was sent from ASKMID and not the DVLA. Do I just wait until I heR from the DVLA or sorn it ASAP? I've never done this before so all advice appreciated. Thanks
  8. Don't think he has looked in it since no but, I still don't trust him. I'm going to put a pad lock on it.
  9. Cheers guys. I don't think I'll bother now. I'll stick to good old fashioned elbow grease.
  10. I see a few road road legal pit bikes round my end and I look at the rider and think what a fucking knob. They are dangerous and just down right retarded when on the road. But that's my opinion.
  11. Well done enjoy the extra power but remember with greater power comes greater responsibility
  12. I've seen them in ASDA, Tesco etc really cheap for the little ones.
  13. Grouch

    New bike at last

    Way ahead of you mate already got some Yep mate no choice it's mine for at least the next three yeRs until I pay it off and then decide to sell or keep her. Might just keep her for my winter bike.
  14. Grouch

    New bike at last

    Cheers. Yeah the XT's are 10BHP and the WR's are 15BHP. It is quicker and it's a lot bigger (taller) than the XT. Don't get me wrong I loved my XT and always will they are cracking bikes and I'm glad I had mine before getting an upgrade. With me riding my XT I have got valuable experience from learning how to brake properly and take corners to getting all the dumb stuff out of the way like dropping her etc.
  15. With it been a 4T engine even after you've modded it the difference will be minimal. The first thing I would do is buy one of those arrow exhaust systems. One simple thing you can do is change your fuel. I changed from using standard unleaded to using shell v-power and I noticed the improvement straight away. It definitely gave my XT a few more BHP. Just make sure you wait until your on dregs and then fill it up. For every ten litres it costs an extra quid to use v-power. If I were driving a big fuck range rover or jag it would be a different story haha.
  16. Have you thought about putting a 250 engine or something? By the time you have spent hundreds maybe over a grand on mods might be better off.
  17. Damn that doesn't sound good. If your wheel isn't spinning properly the forks are bent. I think you need to get the bike checked by someone who knows what they're doing.
  18. Look on eBay there's plenty. Which specific indicator(s) do you want?
  19. Honestly your best off getting a faster bike, but if your not bothered about spending hundreds of pounds to get an extra 3-5 BHP at the most then go for it.
  20. I once washed a car with a diesel powered Karcher and stripped the paint off
  21. I've always wanted one and am on the verge of buying one but, people keep saying that they damage your bike, especially the chain.
  22. Hahaha Mike you made me laugh. My jacket has enough pockets but I always carry a rucksack around with me anyway.
  23. Grouch

    Binned it.

    The main thing is your ok and your bike isn't too damaged. As Noise said replace your handlebars because they are weakened now. Also ditch the cruise control gadget. We all have some sort of accident or near miss in our biking careers. Hope it hasn't knocked your confidence or put you off biking.
  24. We lost our local flappits a few years ago and as a result anti-social/nuisance motorcycling has become a big problem. But what do they expect if there's no where for people to take their crossers etc?
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