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  1. lots of feedback to semi synth oil . i think i will try mineral oil first . thanks for moment , will post outcome
  2. thanx for reply .re. slipping clutch . i have already adjusted and double checked adjustment on pressure plate . that task requires removal of exhaust , drain oil and side casing off bike . ta much guys hoping for more ideas .
  3. hello and thanx for reply. hopefully may get some needed info on hassle with clutch. I am new to forum and still learning ways of crowd. my xvs650 is running on semi synth when i got bike . as i have said plates and springs and plates have been removed and measured ,both good. set up as per manual to nearside casing guide marks and no matter what adjustment to cable still clutch slips in 4 and 5 when looking for quick response .I have noticed on ebay b4 people selling used plates that were not required due to other fault . It is m/cycle oil i am using in bike . Hopefully someone has some good info that will help me resolve problem . all replies gratefully received.
  4. clu tch slipping in higher gears when accelerating quickly. set up to dot on nearside casing , have to release lever almost fully to move off. running on semi synthetic. have had plates and springs out and both measure almost max. size . had bike for 1yr is making me crazy . Any advice out there. thanx