Everything posted by yamyam thank you maam
xj 600 diversion
wow thats gone over my head lol i have changed the voltage regulator and its still there the battery is nearly new too no sure what to check next or where either ???
rs100 no power
have you considerd your oil crank pressure maybe you need new seals could be that also check your reed valve and coil output sometimes coils work great for a period but soon weaken after running a short while if they are on there way out also maybe check youre exhaust isnt fould up with carbon
xj 600 diversion
hya people i wonder if there is anyone who can pinpoint my problem the problem is always there but is really noticeable at night.. while riding my electrics surge all my lights including dash headlight become really bright for a few seconds then return to normal and sometimes they dim below normal level too it fluctuates all the time would i be right in thinking it could be the voltage regulator or is there any other possibilitys ??? because i dont really want to go on an expensive fault finding saga i hope there is a member who is better on electrical than me any help would be really appreciated ps i get the feeling people laugh at my xj because its often termed as a divvy and i gotta say its starting to put me off it now shame really cause i like it even though its a bit dated compared to some like the bandit
diversion tank
hy all i wonder if anyone out there could tell me if an xj600 diversion tank will also fit the 900 diversion any help would be appreciated as im selling one on ebay many thanks ...vinny
xj600 divvys arent that bad....r they ??
wow that last piece made me sound like dr evil lol
xj600 divvys arent that bad....r they ??
cheap it is i swapped an rxs100 for it and insurance was third party £70.00 all in. 1st 2nd an 3rd gear still put a grin on my face but i suppose it will wear off as you all know the hunger for power normally tends to dominate the list of prioritys
xj600 divvys arent that bad....r they ??
i bought an xj600 diversion and after reading the reviews i found it to be a fairly fast comfortable user friendly bike so why do people slag them off so much i know it doesnt perform like an r1 type of bike but its good for someone on a budget like me and apart from slightly lacking the gut wrenching accelaration like some others i find it hard to pick any faults with it so whats the beef why do people seem to hate them ?? do you!!
you ever seen an exhaust glow red "look at this"
some people are so destructive waste of a perfectly good bike innit
you ever seen an exhaust glow red "look at this"
help: 1977 xs360
hya yes it sounds like the carbs need balancing make sure your points are gapped correctly and i would replace the float needle valve "the thing with the spring" as once they play up you got no choice but to replace check your carb mounts arent split or leaking and your throttle slides are moving freely also check your float level as well the specs should be in the manual . it def sounds like your carbs are at fault here though did you buy a decent carb cleaner so you could blast through all the channels inside also if you have any rubber diaphrams check them for splits and pinholes hope that helps all the best ..vinny
clutch slipping
check an make sure the clutch cable is well lubed and adjusted correctly and you have the right grade of engine oil an if that fails it down to you clutch springs being week or your clutch is worn
so o guess that means wese not on da same stack doooood
anything to do with old spice ?? or posh spice maybe mixed spice ?? they are the only spices i know anyway whats wrong with robbie williams great music and a true british artist if people didnt like him he wouldnt sell, nobody new your spice man but im sure people know robbie williams
rxs100 93
indicator relay is under the tank an just near the head stock
dont come near me osama binhead or i may pop a cap
oh silly me you have a job already WORK HARDER
New Road Tax Scheme
they are trying to price us off the roads arent they why do they always punish the working people at the end of the day whats the point in working to just break even may as well stay in bed as there is no reward apart from youre self respect
yeah right mate if you can ride a bike you can get a job and save like everyone else lots of people love bikes but cant afford one get a moped !!
1992 xj600s diversion fork dust seals
its ok they gave me the pre diversion ones
1992 xj600s diversion fork dust seals
can some one help me out her as i bought a set of fork dust seals for my xj and they dont fit the dealer said they are the right ones and i know the forks are original i did a parts check online and found that they fit a yx600a and a xv750k but i cant find anything about them being for my bike- the part number is 33m-23144-00 is there anyone who could do a parts check for me to see if they are the dust seals for my xj 600s diversion 1992 as they def do not fit
Problems with 2001 Yamaha R6
i would get the voltage regulator checked sounds like it may be linked if its frying the rectifier and battery
pretty cool clips lots of em 2
here is the link http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/video_clips.htm just copy and paste on your address bar and enjoy
how do i put pics from my pc on the board
how the ~~::@}@{: do i put pictures from my pc on this board any help will be welcomed dam pcs bring back the 60s especially the mini skirts
what happend to it crash or I R A bomber
6 volt rsx100
flasher relays sometimes gum up a bit open it up and spray some wd40 in them