Whats wrong with my bike?
I dont have an air filter on it so that cant be the problem .Well I know theres something wrong with the carberator because it'll start leaking every now and then but I've rebuilt the carb twice and it still does the same thing.I've been told that carberators that have the flat sliding valve go bad after a while so I probably need a new one.Also I found out it's just the disk thats bent so I gotta get a new one. I thought the problem might be that the powervalve was stuck but I checked and it's not.What happens is I start it up and when I rev it up the rpms jump from high to low and high to low and if i pull the throttle back all the way the bike shuts off.I noticed that there's alot of oil around the pipe where it connects to the engine and the bike smokes alot more than it used to.I mix the gas and oil at 50:1 and ive been running it with that mixture for a long time so it can't be that.I checked the spark and it looks pretty good and the engine compression seems the same as before.Yamahead may be right...maybe there is an ignition component thats no good.If thats it then what component could it be?
What is my bike?
Well I would really like to sell it to someone that would restore it....would be ashame to part it out.So if I do decide to sell it you'll have first shot at buying it.
Whats wrong with my bike?
I have a 1998 suzuki rm 80(I known this is a yamaha forum but i could'nt find a good suzuki forum) and it has a few problems and I can't figure out what's wrong. One problem is that when I first start the bike and ride it,it has alot of power and takes off real good but when I start riding it for a while and start trying to do wheelies it looses power and it becomes slower to take off.If I leave the bike for about 30-60 minutes and ride again it will get its power back. Another poroblem is that for some reason my front wheel is a little crooked and it is causing the disk brake to rub against the pads when it gets to the part where its bent....could this be because the bearings are bad? Also today I was riding and I was in 6 gear riding at maximum speed and all of a sudden the bike had a tremendous loss of power and it would stall if i didnt keep reving it.It would still go but it would go really slow and it would take forever for it to get in the powerband and the powerband was very weak. If you have an idea of why these things are happening let me know what you think.
What is my bike?
Im not interested in selling it right now.In the future if I decide to sell it i'll let you know.Just out of curiosity,what would you do with it?
Brake trouble
Thanks for the help.I got the brakes working now.Turned out the front brake master cylinder was no good so I replaced it and I rebuilt the rear brake caliper and the pump was frozen on the rear brake master cylinder so I got it to free up.
Brake trouble
I looked for information before I posted this topic.I was able to find a website that said how to do it but I did what it said and the brake still wont work.Im wondering if the fact that im using dot 3 brake fluid instead of dot 4 would have something to do with my brakes not working,I was told that dot 3 was ok to use though.
What is my bike?
Yea it looks like it's going to be alot of money to get it running.Apearently the coolent leaked out while it was being ridden and it caused major engine damage.Like the piston and head have holes in them,the crank shaft bearings are bad and theres a crack in the bottom of the crank case.At this point i dont know if its even worth putting the time,effort and money into fixing it .
Brake trouble
I just rebult my front brake caliper on one of my dirtbikes and now the brake wont work.I put in new brake fluid and everything but it wont work for some reason.I was told that I have to bleed the caliper to get the air out of the lines but I dont know much about disk brakes so i dont know how to bleed them.Is bleeding the caliper what im supposed to do?If so how do I bleed it?
What is my bike?
Yea I just checked out some pics of the YZ250 and they look just like my bike so that must be it.Thanks now I can get parts .YZ is the best dirtbike that yamaha makes isnt it?
What is my bike?
I bought this bike from this guy and he said its a yamaha 250 but he didnt know the year or model of the bike.He said he got it from a guy that used to race it.The engine looks bigger than 250cc to me.If anyone can tell me anything about the bike by the pictures please post what you know.
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