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Adil Jams

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  1. Today as I was coming and trying to run it fast, the engine got seized despite the oil in petrol tank. This confused me... Any reason? Thanks, Adil
  2. Hi, I checked plug yesterday and it was black with carbon residue on it but no oil was seen. Thanks
  3. Hi, I checked plug yesterday and it was black with carbon residue on it but no oil was seen. Thanks, Adil
  4. Mike1949 I had been to London in my childhood in 80s. It is nice place but the weather was "cold" in June by my standards...
  5. What I have observed is that the mobile oil pump that is located near carburator (sorry I am poor in vocabulary) is not moving. When it used to work the small piston or part of it that used to move up and down. I went to a mechanic and he said that a new pump is needed. Is that true or he is just trying to earn money from me. If that part is not moving up and down, it means that it is not channeling oil to be mixed with petrol before burning. I am sorry that I don't know where the mixing takes place. Somewhere in this oil pump, in carburator or in the piston area. Please ask me further questions. By coming to this site and looking at the enthusiasm you guys have for your machine ie bikes, I realize that a guy should have good knowledge and skills to handle most problems of his bike himself Thanks, Adil
  6. Airhead I cannot stand Hondas and other chinese bike available here beating my Yamaha. I want to have it in top-notch shape. I know it is possible. And Drewpy and blackhat250 do I need to see plug colour and tell it to you? I know that all you folks can guide me Thanks, Adil
  7. Thank you all for warm welcome! Well I just put 2 liters petrol along with some 100 ml mobile oil in it. I did not check the colour of the spark plug . It is running fine but feels like minor vibration on more speed. Today I had run it very fast again but it didnot ceased nor the engine was very hot after I reached my office. And it is a good 13 minutes drive to it. Yes, is is seizing when I maintain speed for some minutes on or near full throtle. This happens only when no smoke is coming out of silencer. So it has to do with mobile oil mixing. Many days ago I had gone to mechanic and he took out the plug to see it. I had got new clutch plates and had some repairs that I mentioned above. It was running well with one seizure had occured due to my fault. The color was reddish and it was dry even when I had mixed mobile oil in the petrol. The mechanic said that it was in good shape. Thanks, Adil
  8. Well I have added my post in new members at ur request
  9. Hi All, I am in Pakistan. My father bought Japan assembled YB 100 in 1984. I love this bike; my childhood partner. I want to keep this bike in top running condition and as well as in top shape ie body-wise. I am not able to do so, that is why I joined this group. People here were asking me to buy honda now but I refused. I have got new parts of engine and remoulded ie repaired the engine covering as it was throwing up some oil into the piston chamber and also oil was dripping from it. It runs very fine and oil consumption is good, but the problem is what I have posted in workbench forum. Oil pump is not working and therefore I am putting oil in the petrol tank, whenever I fill it; but engine got ceased again just yesterday as I was running my bike above 60 Km/ hr. And that is dangerous. I want my bike to be in best condition I can keep it. And tell you what, it still beats many bike on that track of mine, ie, that road I take to my work in the morning. By the way, I am software engineer. I will learn to take care of my bike myself, by gaining knowledge from you guys and by doing mechanic's job myself. I love my Yamaha Adil
  10. Hi, I have Yamaha YB 100 1982 Japan assembled. Oil pump is not working so I mix oil in the petrol. Sometimes when I am not careful, when I am running my bike on a busy road, its engine gets ceased. And it is dangerous. Is getting oil pump working again is very difficult? What should I do? I want my bike to be strong and healthy Thanks, Adil