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  1. Hi I want my Yamaha XVS 250 Dragstar to sound better than the quiet hair dryer sound it makes now and sound more like a harley/bigger engined bike. Now I know absolutely nothing about exhausts, but does anyone know how I can achieve a better sound? Im gonna throw in words like baffles, slash cuts, down pipes, exhausts, silencers, drag pipes, full system... Anyone know what I could get and where from? Hope you can help me Cheers Max
  2. Hi I've just passed my test and bought a Yamaha Dragstar 250 (03) and she comes in a week! Can't wait! What crusier bikes do yal have then? Max
  3. Hi does anyone know why the custom section of this site dont work, cos I bought a Dragstar 250 and I would find it useful... Is there anyone I can contact to ask? Cheers Max
  4. MovieMax posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi I'm interested in getting a Yamaha Dragstar 250... I was wondeering - Top speed? Cruising speed? (with pillion also) Does it have a petrol gauge? Does it have a reserve petol tank? Thanks Max
  5. Hi Im new and interested in getting a 250 Dragsatr, is there a cruiser section to this forum? cheers max
  6. Hi Im new and interested in getting a 250 Dragsatr, is there a cruiser section to this forum? cheers max
  7. Hi I'm new to the forum, glad I found it cos I'm intersted in getting myself a 250 Dragstar... Is there a cruiser section to this forum??? Thanks Max