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Scott Rumbelow

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  1. Hey people! So, Bike is back on the road, got it done a bout two weeks ago. Got a new helmet too, a Box helmet, although it doesnt appear to be as good as my previous cheaper Viper lid. Oh well - thats besides the point. Since getting the bike back on the road, ive noticed that the bike seems to have either lost some power or something is up with the engine. I dont know exactly. It could be something simple like, since ive had the bike back, we have had some pretty bad weather so it could be riding in to the wind that is slowing the bike down. But ive noticed that before the crash, on my ride to work i could get my bike up to about 80mph (this was downhill and haunched down like a boss). Now on the same route, same strip of road, i was struggling to get to 70mph this morning. Also, before the crash i used standard Unleaded and now since talking to the guys that helped out with the bike, ive started using the higher octane Unleaded so could it be that? It just seems like there is no "umph" at top end revs. (well, its not a big engine so less "umph" than before)
  2. Thanks MRR. I will look in to the warranty! Im doing the repairs with help from some buddies who know what they are doing. One of them just redone the front end on his bike so should be straight forward. All im replacing is the Clocks, Indicator, Headlight, Wheel and tyre Now i need to get a replacement lid as i cant really use mine again. Slightly off topic for this area but:- What is a good Helmet brand? Ive been looking at Arai but they are just too freaking expensive. I like the look of Shoei but just want to ask if there are any good brands that dont charge the earth to protect your noggin?! Thanks! Oh yeah, just in case you wanted to see. Its nothing too bad. But this is the picture of my lid + the parts that broke off the bike.
  3. I think the mechanic was looking to swindle me of cash as i told them im having to pay for the repairs myself. Oh well, i brought the bike from them, plus accessories so was i in the wrong to think that they would "look after" me? But upon reading reviews of the Dealers online, im probably going to find another official Yamaha dealer to conduct the services etc.. Does anyone know what will happen to the warranty that comes with the bike if i fit 2nd hand parts to it? Im guessing it will be void? Thanks for the posts!
  4. Okay so if anyone is interested in an update about my bike - Had some friends come look at it the other day and they seem to think i can get away with just replacing a few parts (thank fook!). Seems like the Dealers Estimate of nigh on £1,600.00 was a bit overzealous! So parts have been ordered, 2nd hand parts though (apart from the clocks) - all in all about £350! Should have the bike back on the road by the end of next weekend! (after all the parts arrive!) WEEEEE!
  5. Hey buddy! Ive had a little crash with my YBR too! a few weeks ago now though. But upon looking for parts for my bike. i have only ever come across the foot pedals for pillion passengers However - I did just search eBay and found this, dont know if its much help http://www.ebay.co.u...2#ht_1575wt_952 The part above is for an 08 model so i dont know if it will fit. There isnt much difference between the latter year models i believe. And from the looks of things, the pegs/side stand are one unit - so i doubt if you will find just one peg on its own. But as such, thats all i have come across. Hope this is of some help! Good Luck!
  6. Hi guys! Thanks for the comments! MRR - as far as i am aware, most of the damage was frontal and the engine started when i was pushing it somewhere to store overnight. But there might be damage to the engine. The mechanics haven't mentioned that there is either. I took a few photos after it happened. il try and get them on here for you guys to look at And the verdict is that im probably going to try the repairs myself. i cant afford that bill right off the bat and thankfully that estimate included vat at labour. Il let you know how im getting on with it and im sure il be back asking questions! Thanks!
  7. Thanks for that! Il keep my eye on that. As for the estimate - £1,593.78 - thats more than half of the OTR price for the bike. Plus i am only on 3PF&T (cos im a dick like that) so im shit out of luck. i have no idea what to do now. Here is what ehey have stated needs replacing. Bare with me as ive had the list faxed over and their printer isnt great so its not come out on my printer all that clear. Inner tube Comp x2 Oil Seal x2 Under Bracket Comp Race, Ball1 Race, Ball2 Race. Ball (1) Race. Ball (2) RL(?) TAINER. Ball Bearing (?) Cover. Ball Race 2 Crowm. Handle Stay. Headlight Cast Wheel. Front Bearing x2 Oil Seal Handlebar Grip Cable. Clutch Front Flasher light as Meter Assy (MPH) Headlight Assy Holder lever 1 Switch the one in bold i really have no idea what it is. but yeah ... shit out of luck
  8. Hey People! So. Crashed by YBR125 on Sunday. My own stupid fault and i am in turmoil about it. Took the bike to my dealer (Keys Motorcycles) on Monday after asking if they could look at it (presuming they meant that day) It is now Thursday and they have still yet to give me a sodding estimate. Only that its "not going to be a straight forward repair" Ive been told that i need to go down there on Saturday to tell them what i want/dont want fixing on the bike, even though when i dropped the bike off on Monday i said i wanted the BARE MINIMUM done to get it back on the road. Anyway, my actual question is... As the dealers are taking the royal piss with just sorting me out an estimate, im not going to deal with them at all unless i ABSOLUTELY have to in the future (official servicing etc..) Does anyone know of a good/reliable source for YBR parts? All i can seem to find on the internet are 2005-2008 models and they are all slightly varied in design. (mine is 2011) Ive yet to get a full parts break down from the mechanic as apparently the "Yamaha systems are down" But so far i think i will need:- Front Forks (possibly) Wheel & Tyre (front) Headlight Right hand Indicator Right hand Mirror Handle Bar Speedo/Rev And thats about it at the moment. If i get more detailed info from the mech, il edit my post. As always, Thanks for your time and reading of this post!
  9. Ive not been asked that for a while! lol Nahh, unfortunately it wasnt my family who ran that business - although i dont know if that is unfortunate or not as they went bust! Still, it got my surname mentioned in The Young Ones! weeeey! Thanks for the welcome!
  10. Hey everyone! My name is Scott, i'm 25 and a new rider, living on the South Coast! Recently passed my CBT and have got myself a brand new YBR125! Am loving the change from 4 wheels to 2! Although this cold weather has made my rides to work a little nippy! Cant wait for the summer! Was just looking to see if there was an Owners Club - so here i am! Would be interested in Yamaha meets, if they exist - If my little 125 would be accepted to the meet of course! Thanks for reading!