hey guys! I representing the shit have hit the fan, i have a b reg xs250, and nearly all the carb parts and things alike stopped being easily available in like 82. desperately trying to find carb to block manifolds for 1985 xs250 se.
so far to this collection of love and cuddles i have, cleaned carbs (need cleaning again) restored the front caliper, changed pads, changed rear shoes, changed sprockets, changed chain, currently in process of leathering the rear tail plastics and the side plastics, have replaced old air filters with conicals, have a motad 2 into 1 pipe, changed front wheel bearings.
i've test ridden her, brilliant fun and a nice yet tame roar when building up in revs .
however, i am still rather novice with mechanics and such wonders, how would one up the air fuel mixture to stop running lean? and has anyone seen yamaha xs250 se carb to engine rubbers?
much appreciated guys, discuss