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Everything posted by yamahajrb

  1. yamahajrb replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Not sure but I always use copper grease, is that what they call brake grease in Canada?
  2. UPDATE: Right, fitted new fan sensor switch, fitted new temperature warning light sensor switch & for good measure, fitted new thermastat, everything is now working as it should , changed oil & filter while I was in the mood to spend money, talking of money, these bike manufacturers should be bloody ashamed of themselves, the way they are ripping their customers off, get this lot: fan switch £45.00, warning light switch £65.00, thermastat £33.00, then oil & filter on top, another £35.00, makes me really f--king angry , but what can we do, they've got us by the buster browns aint they , thanks for all your help & advise & ride safe guys
  3. I've just dropped the oil & theres no sign of water in the oil, no sign of oil in the coolant either so I hope the head gasket is ok (everything crossed), will fit new switches & new thermostat & hope that cures it, I'll let you guys know what happens & thanks to you all for your help, cheers, John
  4. I've just tested the thermostat, book says: opens @ 80.5c - 83.5c, 8mm min @ 95c, just short of boiling it only opens 1mm-2mm, boiling water & it opens 8mm-10mm, cheers, John
  5. The white stuff has not reappeared while I ran it in the garage this morning, do you think checking the thermostat is a good idea, also immediatly before this ride out I changed the coolant 50/50 mix, I should add I have never heard the fan run in the 9 months I've had the bike, I've bypassed both switches & both the fan & the warning light are working ok, cheers John
  6. Thanks for replys, no loss of coolant at all, no boiling over, no water or steam from exhaust, the Haynes manual says that both switches operate at between 102C & 108C, not sure if the thermastat is opening or not, not tested yet, cheers, John
  7. I think I'd better give you the whole story, after a ride out yesterday I found a lot of dirty white stuff around each of the exhaust outlets where the downpipes fit, I can only think its either gasket or more likely gasket seal as I believe the gaskets are copper but not sure, I could only think that the bike must have overheated to cause this, I left the bike running in the garage for nearly an hour this morning & neither the fan or the temp warning light came on so I assume both switches are faulty, I've since found out that the temperature that both switches operate is 102c-108c so boiling water would not have operated them anyway, apparently because the cooling system is pressurised that raises the boiling point of coolant, the white stuff is like chalky & has formed a ring around the exhaust outlets, I can break it off in chunks, the bike starts & runs ok, any ideas guys, thanks John
  8. Yes I think you're both right, I suspect both fan switch & temperature switchs are faulty (not switching in boiling water), fan only works with ignition on so I'm going to isolate ignition live to the fan switch & connect a permanant fused live to the switch instead & replace both switchs of course, please let me know what you think of the above, (they should operate in boiling water should'nt they?), thanks, John
  9. Sorry, the bike is a 2001 yamaha fzs fazer 600.
  10. Hi, can someone tell me if the ignition needs to be ON for the fan to kick in or should it still kick in when the ignition is in the OFF position, ie: should the fan continue to cool the bike even when you've taken the key out until normal temp is reached, thanks, john
  11. Hello all, this is my first post, hope it gives you all a lol, well lets start by telling you all I've just bought my first fazer 600 (2002) & I'm well impressed, (used to ride an R1 & a zx9r), too bloody old now. All I wanted to know was what colour it was & where to get it from, after what seemed like two millenium on the computer I found out that the colours Yamaha paint there bikes is the most closely guarded secret in Japan & just in case an employee happens to defect to the West they have ceased production of all touch-up & spray paints as a matter of National Security, I was lucky, there was a government leak & I discovered at great cost that my bike is in fact Power Blue (also known as Blue Metalic Cocktail which I think is possibly a decoy or a Red Herring) oh no 'RED HERRING' is that another closely kept secret colour?, anyway I have found a reputable company that is going to spray the front nose cone of my bike, I know what you're all asking HOW MUCH? well I'm torn as to what to do, should I go ahead & have the paint job done or pay off the feckin National Dept, (its in the paint shop). So come guys, tell me your amusing experiences! John