Everything posted by ANDYROSE
Divvy stand
Hi there from a fellow Divvy owner. Agree with the previous replies, brute force and stand springs tends to equal skinned knuckles in my experience, so try the other options first. You might want to have a look at this forum; http://www.bikersoracle.com/yamahadiversion/forum/index.php for Divvy owners. Cheers, Andy
whats happened here
When I first joined it was quite busy, but most of my attention goes on the Air Cooled RD site so I don't visit very much. Having looked in on occasion I too am surprised just how quiet it is now. Of course, lots of people will be out actually riding their motorcycles so they may return when the weather turns less pleasant. It seems a shame as it is good for those of us who have a specialist site like the AC/RD site to make contact with the outside world as well, especially those who have a modern bike too (well, a Divvy anyway ). Hope things pick up. Andy
Where to buy yamaha parts in internet?
Have a look on here: Diversion Owners Club? Someone may be able to point you in the right direction. Cheers, Andy
<--- new dude here
Whoops! Another thing I only just thought of is this link to a Diversion Owners site. It's not the most exciting of forum's but you might find some interesting reading in there. Bikers Oracle? I went down to the village this evening to buy some milk and realised just why Scott (Oregon, lol) rates these bikes so highly as daily drivers. A dull job made a lot more fun with none of the effort required by more demanding motorcycles. Cheers. Andy
<--- new dude here
I never thought, but assume Givi do market their stuff in the US? Andy
<--- new dude here
Lord above Scott, is that one of them there strokers ? LOL!!! Hi guys. Thanks for the map, now I get it. I guess Milwaukee, WI is the one that Rod Stewart sang about, "What made Milwaukee famous made a loser out of me...", and I think was also home to the Fonz and Happy Days? Anyway, the fixure you ask about was on the bike when I bought it and is actually a Givi rack, though I don't know how model specific they are. The box I bought to go on it (got a good deal, but I wanted one anyway ) is a Givi 'Monokey' item. With one key the box can be locked on to the rack (the rack has lugs onto which the box locates) opened in position or removed and carried like a suitcase. I find it a brilliant piece of kit, it's big enough to hold two full face helmets so might be the sort of thing you want? Hope these pics might be of interest. Andy
<--- new dude here
Hi there Scott x 2 Sorry to sound dumb but there are two places called Milwaukie? Scott's in Oregon I know , but where is WI where the other Scott lives? When I saw the location I thought you must be neighbours! Anyway, as Scott (Oregon) knows I recently bought the same bike but the UK version which is known here as the Diversion. It's even a '92 as well! I hope you have as much pleasure from yours as I have had from mine so far. Andy
Hi, I don't post on here too often so hope you guys don't mind me putting my thoughts in the pot. I have always understood that a single police officer in a vehicle is able to present a case for prosecution based solely on their evidence, as long as they can provide a speedometer reading, and they have followed you for the 1/4 mile required. That is how a policeman on a bike can book any vehicle for speeding. The speedo reading is apparently regarding as coroboration of their evidence. As to the legality of the rest of this, it sounds very grey indeed. The best advice has already been given, and that is find a very good solicitor, preferably one who specialise in such cases. There are quite a few adverts in the bike press for these specialists, worth talking to one or two I am sure. Are you a member of the AA or RAC as they have legal departments who may be able to help? I would do it asap and not wait for a summons to arrive as there tend to be very little time to deal with things between the date of a summons being issued and the hearing. Good luck. Andy
XJ600 Diversion as 1st big bike?
That's the same beasty! A good piece of practical kit. Nice bike, and nice location! Andy
XJ600 Diversion as 1st big bike?
Hi Twisted, When I got my Divvy it had a Givi rack fitted, so naturally I had a look at Givi boxes. Our local 'agent' didn't have any in stock but had a virtually new one with a duff lock which was supposed to have gone back having been replaced. He had the new lock ready to fit so we did a deal and I got it for half price so out came the plastic and it was mine. I have to say that it is a brilliant piece of kit with the 'Monolock system' on it where with one key you lock it onto the rack or remove it and carry it around like a suitcase on it's handle. It will hold two full face helmets so that makes life a lot easier when you park up and gives a wonderful reason to use the bike to nip down the shop to buy the milk etc. As with the Divvy (see above) I am very impressed and would reccomend. Andy
XJ600 Diversion as 1st big bike?
Hi Scott, Twisted & all, to be truthful I can't get out on it enough, it's a great bike I must admit that I am adjusting to the forks but I would still like to have a bit less "softness" about the front brake. However I can't complain as the other night I went off for a ride and hadn't gone a mile when it's round a right hand corner and the road was blocked by a tractor and trailer pulling out of a field. On cold tyres and cranked over I thought I had two choices, hit the trailer or go in the ditch because there was no way round, and I swear if I had been on the RD it would have been one or the other. Not the Divvy though, the beast really looked after me and though it was tight we pulled up still on the black stuff and with a couple of feet to spare. Phew! So I reckon you can say that I am really chuffed with it. It does everything pretty well, and what an engine, as Twisted says it just pulls from nothing in top gear which is a hell of a shock after the RD. I collected William (9 years old) from school the other day and he seemed to think the pillion was much more comfortable too, although he seemed to find having a top box a big plus factor I had to keep telling him that it's NOT a backrest lol. So a big thumbs up from me for the Divvy Andy
XJ600 Diversion as 1st big bike?
Hi Twisted, big congratulations on passing I bet it still feels as good now as it did when I passed (too long ago so don't ask ). Just go steady out there, there are more idiots than sensible road users to be found and you don't want to find the wrong ones at all! 85-90 is a nice speed to get the feel of your bike, and you still have a chance of seeing the scenery too. Have fun. Andy
XJ600 Diversion as 1st big bike?
Hi Pete (and Scott aka Mr Seca-man , haven't been on here for a long time, but I too have recently purchased a 600 (a '92 single disc model with low miles) and am so far really pleased with it. I would agree with what has been written before though, the forks are on the soft side for my taste (but I do like a generally stiffer setting) and I was also thinking of braided brake lines interestlingly enough, but thought that was probably just me too! Hope you get on alright with the bike. Andy
what we all look like?!!
The AC/RD forum regulars have seen this and been traumatised but for those who think they can cope, here is my ugly mug to match with my occasional post. The bike is my 8 years old TY80 and yes I am extatic at being alive after negotiating that log in the bachground. Andy
found the knocking noise!
The word ouch :!: springs to mind. That has certainly taken the newness off of it :cry: I suppose it is just out of warranty as well Bad luck, are you able to salvage the important bits OK :?: Andy