Everything posted by flyday58
Headlamp conversion for 12V system
That's the stupendous camera on Apple's ab-fab iPhone 3GS. In the process of using a gen-you-wine device to take some better photos. I think it will be worth it to try this unit out, the rear shell has the correct holes. More of my money crossing the ocean eastward. Just wish I were paid in pounds.
Headlamp conversion for 12V system
The culprit in all this:
Headlamp conversion for 12V system
Your welcome. So, about purchasing the entire headlamp bucket, ala http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-DT125-DT175-Complete-Headlamp-w-Rim-Grill-QBUR1-/310314738307?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item4840332283. Would this work? Oh, and sorry for the delay in reply. Been out of country till last night.
Headlamp conversion for 12V system
Top o the marnin all, Looking at maybe doing a NEO conversion to 12 volt electrics on my U.S. DT. So far cannot find any sealed-beam 12 volt lights to fit, so thinking about buying the U.K. version 1M1 headlamp assembly which takes the three-hole bulbs. Any thoughts?
New from the less-than-Etats Unis
Or is it the French? I'm like Eddie Izzard, I'm from everywhere!
New from the less-than-Etats Unis
Well let's just say we're not as "United" as we try to appear to the ROW. Altho I do in fact wear "United" regalia at work due to merger-mania rampant on the planet. Was more of a "Continental" kind of guy, back "before the world moved on". Jeezy Creezy, WHERE do I get this stuff?! Or is 'mill' a reference to what the Hobbits found when they returned from their little holiday in Mordor?
Battery Tutorial for 70's DT-types
Thank you, figured as much, just never could find it in writing.
New from the less-than-Etats Unis
Guilty as charged. Just arrived in London at 7 a.m., leave Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Then on to Tokyo/Narita on Sunday. Good to know they are called Mx's in the U.K. Now I can understand some of the references. Glad to be here. Seriously!
Battery Tutorial for 70's DT-types
Hello all my worthy Yamahaulers, New guy from the states(got a post in the newbie forum) and hope I'm not too quick off the mark. I have not been able to find anything addressing the battery's necessity in the electrical circuits of 70s and early 80s DT-type enduros. I have a 1978 DT175E that is waiting on a 6V battery, and I was curious if the lighting coils need the battery in the system in order to operate the lights and horn correctly. Anyone know enough electrical theory on this one? I am suspecting it's an amperage thing and that the coils produce the volts but not enough amps. I see that some choose to convert their systems to 12V and I guess that's to make the lighting system more potent, but don't know if anyone has done it on this vintage bike. Thanks for your time. Cheers, Richard
New from the less-than-Etats Unis
Happy 2012 to all. I trust everyone survived the snowy onslaught a few weeks back. I arrived in Langley/Slough/Heathrow just after this time, not like last year when I got waylayed. Won't say 'stuck' because I always enjoy a pint and eats at the Red Lion in Langley. Plus I was only delayed one day, as opposed to some of my fellow aviators who spent six or seven. I even managed some Christmas shopping in Slough, so no worries. On to the main event. I have been restoring a 1978 DT175E for the last five years. Recovered from a junk yard down the road from where I live in Biloxi, Mississippi with basically the frame, harness and motor usable. All else has been replaced or refurbished. Got it running 3 years ago, but it wouldn't rev over 3000 rpm. Left it sit over the winter, carb varnished over and I lost interest for awhile. While walking in Narita, Japan one early morning this past December a guy on a scooter went by. The smell and sound of a two-stroke was like ice water in the face! When I got home again, I bought a new carb, had the cylinder bored for a new piston, figured out the 'source coil deal' and got it to rev above 3000(manual has incorrect wiring diagram and doesn't even SHOW 2 source coils). Finally riding it after I don't know how many years cos I can't locate my original pics. Forgot how much fun this was/is!! Richard