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Everything posted by flyday58

  1. I'll pull the carb back off and take some pics. As for the plug, it is darkish tan and dry. And this is on the AT1/ 125. And to be clear, I have yet to malarkey with the jets!
  2. um...yeah...Heeeey everyone! It's the return of the prodigal Dick! Sorry (again) for the lengthy absence, no excuse this time. Well, that ain't true, there are many, but I don't wanna tell them and you folks don't wanna hear them, so bollocks on that. Finally got some free time to mess with the enduros. Had to take the carb off the AT1 as it wouldn't run without the choke on. The pilot jet was clogged so that was the issue, but after reassembly and warm up it was very boggy on the low end. Quickly lost power going uphill and had to continuously downshift. If the revs dropped below about 2700-2800 it would bog down rapidly until downshifting and getting the revs back up. The main jet is a 140, and the online parts shop lists sizes from 140 to 200. I bought the bike in Denver so it was already living at the higher altitudes, and I suspect the PO put in the smallest jet listed. So is it possibly too lean? The needle is on the middle clip setting, so I can try changing it but I understand that it is more for1/4 throttle and on. One more q: in the pic of my carb shown here, the hole on the right at the 5 o'clock position leads to the fuel tap for the choke, but doesn't seem to go all the way through. I tried several of my carb cleaner probes but nothing would go all the way in. Does anyone know if this is a blind hole? If not and it is, in fact clogged, that would be part of the problem. Thanks everyone and Happy New Year!
  3. Nope, I've been away, too. Moved to New Mexico in September and having a hard time getting settled. Plus two years ago I traded 3 boxes of Honda CL stuff for a Yamaha Venture and that's eaten up tons of time and money. But now with spring coming I'm trying to get everything road-ready. The AT1 and the GT80 are in original shape, so I'm thinking I'm gonna have to replace crankcase seals before I mess with the jetting. So gotta see about getting evrything together to get that in work. PLUS the DT still has a vibe in the tranny I've got to deal with. Should be fun!
  4. Ja. No surprise. And I knoweth better. Eth.
  5. Depending on where you live/ picked up the bike/ years it sat, I would agree with simplest things first. Loose or chewed wiring, back crimps or wire ends pulled loose. A liitle more background on your scoot would help...
  6. Yep, glad to be back, although never really gone. The bikes have been languishing since I last checked in, and I have been gone from home much more than I ever used to be. Additionally I traded a pile of Honda junk that I had gotten it into my headed to mess with, basically 3 CL Scramblers in boxes, for a Yamaha XVZ1200, 1983 vintage. That one was in terrible shape but at least was in one piece. Parts were plentiful on fleabay USA, so that's where the focus has been for two years. It has CV carbies but I still had to fiddle with the needle jet to lean the high altitude end enough to where I didn't soot up the plugs Idling down our VERY rocky canyon road. Mr. A. Head sent a pm about jetting that I will read just as soon as I get done with this online yearly training course I'm working on for my job. Guess I will just take a day and one of the scoots and see if I can get it to run better choking or jetting down. I'll let everyone know how it goes. Richard
  7. Hey all, been a while. Did a long distance move to the mountains of the American Southwest and the Enduros have been languishing in the garage. But Spring is upon us, most of my new home projects are either complete or well under way or shelved pending time & funds. So time to dust off the scoots and see how things are. I now have a 1971 AT1 and a 1974 GT80 in addition to the 1978 DT175. I've already tinkered a bit with the jetting on the 175 since I had the jets from when I was trying to sort the lean heat seize issues I was having. I've got a 140 in now, but the top end is lacking, only getting to around 5500 rpm. It also pops quite a bit, very 2-stroke sounding. The 80 and the 125 are stock and don't run well at all up here. My house is at 9000 feet, and all of my riding is done between 7500 and 9500 feet (whatever that works out to in REAL measurements!). So I'm looking for advice on jetting and airflow. I realize these are fairly extreme altitudes for most riders, but any suggestions will be helpful. Cheers! Richard
  8. They tossed me out of the UK and the rest of Eastern Europe, merger mania gone awry. I'm no longer senior enough (with 24+ years) to come and visit, now I just wing to and fro across the Etats Unidos. Also moved to temporary living quarters while we have a house built, so while I have my Yamatoys near, I can't do much with them at the mo. DT has a harmonic vibe that needs to be sorted, one of the bearings in the gear train I suspect. AT1 needs the starter and generator looked at as it makes strange chuffing noises when the electric start is used. The XVZ needs a complete disassemble and refurbishment. Wasn't sure about keeping this one because it seemed to have not much pep for almost 1200 cc's, but I discovered it was only running on three, maybe even two cylinders due to the computer having been subjected to rain dripping for the last 6 years. Couldn't believe it even ran after I saw the inside of the TCI (computer). Any ho, still out here endeavoring to cause grievous mental harm to the great British public. And the lovely Scots, my favorite peeps. Late-ers!
  9. Hey all. WOW, I've been gone a while, now we are soldering nipples?? I LOVE Europe!
  10. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Thanks for that. My icon is just plain old Jeremy Clarkson. Cos, you know, I'm a fan of a show about real cars, not the schlop offered up to auto buyers this side of the Atlantic. On about, as in "that's what I'm on about". Amerikaners will just stare blankly the first time you say this to them. Mo-bile is mo-bull here, except that everyone calls it a cell, or cellphone. And filtering will definitely get you shot from the saddle as Statians absolutely hate anyone getting a leg up on them. And as you know, we ALL carry firearms, movies don't lie. Mind the gap. A show about Terry Thomas? We also had a short-lived show over here called Max Headroom. And the Robin Williams golf bit is hilarious because in some places in The South ( such as where I live...) the patios is much the same. Can't understand the neighbors at all most of the time. And they're my corn bin.
  11. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Fabulous list. It's very well spoken, with authority, and there's also your icon. In the medical profession, maybe on the psychology side? Where do the cell-using-while-driving types fit in? Here it's every third or fourth vehicle WITHOUT someone on the cell. And arseholes are legion here as well. Any tie-up on our version on your M's shows that quite well. All of us here should probably try to translate this list for our own countries - seen pretty wild driving in Italy, France, Germany, Taiwan, The Netherlands. One thing. Here bikes stay in their respective lanes unless there is an opening. On the rest of the planet bikes routinely thread their way through traffic between vehicles in adjacent lanes, sometimes barely scraping through. Is this government-approved operations or just standard practice? Seems an excellent way to devote your bike to the local scrap yard and your body to science.
  12. flyday58 replied to bevo1981's post in a topic in General
    I'm in Ole Miss, work in Tex Ass, building a house in Nuevo Mexico. So, like Sacha says, yeah. I only remember Johnny Rivers doing 'Summer Rain' in the 60s. Got that one on the ipod, actually.
  13. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Well? Heard them all, what's the diff?
  14. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Yup, GPS. I think the tendency over here is to lump everything under one convenient-to-remember term, like GPS. Goes with the schwa thing, we've become a nation of mumblers, single syllabics and slurrers. SatNav is one syllable too many for most Statians. GPS is like three one syllable words. Come to think of it, most pilots I fly with, even the women, have single syllable names: Dick; Bob; Tim; Ann; Clark; Jen. We also tend to apply brand names as generic terms. Coke is fairly generic for soda or cola of any kind. I remember wanting to by a "windsurfer" 20 or 30 years ago, not knowing "Windsurfer" was an actual brand.
  15. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Yup, me too. My wife says i'm too damn defiantly guilty most of the time. Craziest roundabout I've ever seen, if it is one, is the one that circles the Arc de Triomphe. Our airport bus driver seemed to take pleasure in running us through the bloody thing at rush hour. Makes Piccadilly Circus look tame. There's another one, "circus".
  16. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Yeah, don't EVEN get me started on HDs. They are at plague levels where I live. Spanner is good, forgot that one. Is pillion something? Seems I have heard the word.
  17. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Excellent explanation of biscuits and cookies. We've really got the terms bodged in the states, FUBAR'd that is. I've wandered a bit from my initial post. Any other motorcycle-related words? C'mon Paul, shirley YOU"VE got one or two!
  18. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Almost forgot: Nappies, prams, and boots.
  19. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    I thought Sandwich was a village somewhere? And it's kabob, pronounced "Kuh BOB". We're very big on the schwa sound over here, which is why most Americans suck at foreign languages. They just can't unlearn that 'uh' sound. Sounds like we're all stuttering idiots. Duh. "...getting glammed up and sitting on the fence, now..."
  20. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    I ken...sorta. Um, wow. That's well versed, that is. At the risk of sending this thread roundabout, how's your Cockney rhyming slang? First heard that while (whilst) on a layover in Windsor. Slough. Actually Langley. As Sacha mentioned, we've started to see roundabouts appear in the States, but most can't figure out how to get back out of 'em so they are damned tricky to get into in the first place. Oh, and a biscuit is only supposed to go with a box of KFC, not be sprinkled with sugar, chocolate, or other confections. That would be called a cookie!
  21. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in General
    Brilliant, all of this. I knew y'all could enlighten me, us, U.S. OGOAB, yes, FUBAR over here is knackered beyond repair. How about miles? I see signs on the M4 saying how many miles to somewhere. Are yours and mine the same? Why miles when your clocks read kilometers? OOH! Another one! Clocks that don't tell time, wassup with that?? You guys are great for indulging me...
  22. flyday58 posted a post in a topic in General
    So a little help from my friends across the sea. What is the difference between: knackered bodged gubbed Explain: WOT MOT VAT Define: gudgeon gaiters What are collywobbles and codswallop, and which would be the better gift for my wife? Help a fellow blue smoker out.
  23. I'll throw in for a bit on the lean side with today's ethanol-diluted crap. Seems there should be at least a hint of blush to the ceramic. FWIW.
  24. Yup, over here, knickers is a basketball team. No, wait...like I know anything about sports! I'd also like to see what that petcock optimization looks like, I guess my '78 don't have that.
  25. flyday58 replied to flyday58's post in a topic in Classics
    My thinking also- This is similar to where I am at, although a gent over on the air-cooled forum is idling at 1200 with no problems. Unfortunately, I have to tear the engine down as my rattle was not cured by new gudgeons and bearings. Did I post that? Different forum. Anyway, I will get a new battery once the engine rebuild is done, as it was down after only two weeks of sitting.