Everything posted by Biker_Girl
paint job
Thats a lovely paint job. Well done. What a beautiful bike, well done.
Excellent well done Kev. Have fun riding in the unpredictible English weather.
YBR125 2007 model question
Hi sjhall, I hav got the 2006 YBR125. I have heard that the 2007 model has a side stand, the 2006 model has everything about from the electrics to fit side stand. Does your bike have the side stand or is it like the 2006 model? Emma Live to ride, Ride to live
Good Bike Insurance Site!
I have just done an insurance quote with the above site. I was very shockd with the results which has made me keep with MC Edwards. The reults were: Here are the most competitive THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT annual premiums we could find for you. (YAMAHA YBR-125 - 124CC) Premium Insurer Excess £371.66 Equity Red Star £150 Policy Summary Start Cover £490.54 Highway Insurance Co Ltd. £250 Policy Summary Start Cover £563.96 Zenith Insurance plc £500 Policy Summary Start Cover However as i mentioned above my insurance with MC Edwards is £215.00 a year which compared to these is much better and cheaper. If anyone would like to get an insurance quote from them their number is 08700101125, if you do let me know if it works out cheaper for you. Emma Live to ride, Ride to live
Hi Dave, Welcome to Yamaha Owners Club. I do not have an MT but good luck and have fun, I have a little YBR 125. Lovely bike. Emma Live to ride, Ride to live.
You and your bike
Hi, I am a new rider, i have a Yamaha YBR 125. This is a fantastic bike and looks lovely, (without faring). I have had her since Noember 2006 and been scared to ride her, however over the last few weeks i have taken her out on my own for the first time as my boyfriend used to come with me. To cut a long story short on the first attmept i got stuck at traffic lights, second attmept got stuck coming ontomy campus (which is a hill) and the third attempt (today) i managed to get all the way hme without getting stuck at the traffic lits and coming on to my campus. Yeppy ! The only time i stalled was when a car decided to move then stop and i was to busy moaning and not paying attenton to what i was doing. Im so pleased with myself, i only went to town for some milk. He he Take a look at y beautiful bike. She looks lovely in this picture. Feel free to look through the rest, sme are my sister, cat boyfriend, and his bikes he has had. My beautiful bike
Good Bike Insurance Site!
Hey, Im a new rider ive been riding since November. When i got my little YBR 125 i was recommened MC edwards. Unfortunately they do not have a site but i was able to get my insurance for £215.00 which i thougt was very good considering I dont have any expereince and im 20 tomorrow so i was quite surprised on their quote. If anyone would like there number then feel free email me. Bikes are fantasti if the wind doesnt knock them over as it has done to mine twice since november. Biker_Girl