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Dom Acca

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  1. Dom Acca changed their profile photo
  2. Hey there, Im Dom and Im 19. Been riding since August and loving every moment. I know im only on a 125cc so I cant exactly say I'm a rider yet... but i can say is i have the ultimate goal of possessing (and maybe even marrying) an XJR1300 :') I hope the saying good things come to those who wait is true. I started off using garage/mechanics to service my bike but only recently i thought... ''hey! i really like those bikes, why dont i learn more about them!!'' and thats half the reason why im here. It would be awesome to talk to some interesting people, hear of great places to ride/ or riding, hear peoples experiences so i dont go wrong and general bike related mishaps and what not. Anyways, Thanks for reading and hope to hear form you soon -Dom
  3. Thank You Airhead, Ill give it a go. I would just take it to a garage but i wouldnt really learn anything would I? And sorry, ill do that now Thanks again
  4. Hey there guys, Ive been riding since August last year and been having a blast and at some point looking for going on rides with people either before i upgrade or after! But before i rush ahead of myself, Does anyone know if theres a workshop manual for a Yamaha YBR 125 2010? Ive been looking at some Haynes ones on the Net but that only covers the 2004-2009 series. I had an accident the other day and went through someones fence which ended up with me trying to figure out how to repalce my rear brake pedal, indicitor switch and front light (not the bezzle or bulb) What i want to know is if the Haynes manual for older models is compatible for my bike? Please, any advice or help would be appreciated. I dont feel safe on the road with it atm -Thanks For Reading, Dom