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  1. Sounds too good too be true, do you have any kind of link to this guy? Would really appreciate it
  2. Yes,exactly like these.
  3. Couple months ago I had a really good site bookmarked, but after a harddriver-crash I had to get a new one and lost that site. The reason to that I'm looking for the site it because they had plastic to Yamaha DT125R 2003, just like mine, and other "odd/old" 125ccs like CRM etc, not the newer one as WRR or whatever they are called. Front mudguard, rear mudgard, sidecovers and the covers for the tank all that for less then 200€, which is fairly a good price to be.. Maybe a bit more but not much, I've been searching for the site A LOT, browsing trough 50 pages on Google with several different search terms, I would be so glad if anyone know what the website is called, I know it ends with "co.uk"
  4. Wow, fast reply, very appreciated help mate! Thank you very much, take care.
  5. Hello, I got a friend selling a Arrow-exhaust that he used on his DT125R from 04, and I got DT125R from 03, the problem is that we live about 300 kilometers away from each others and none of us are sure if the exhaust for 04 fits for the 03-model without to do to many modifications.. When I've been searching for exhaust to mine for quite a while, and usually its like from 1989(?) to 2003 and 2004 and forward, never 1989 to 2004 or something like that, so please guys help me out!
  6. Hello people! Yesterday I did remove the cylinderhead and a lot of stuffs around it, and I'm about to refit it all today or tomorrow depends on the answers I get I know that you should drag it all with some kind of momentkey which I got, but I'm not sure how much everything should be dragged, I got two manuals, one on swedish and one on english, they both contain the same information but two different languages ofc.. I just stands for very few things how much it should be dragged for.. And I really appreciate all the help I might get here from because I'm really lost and want to make it all properly done!
  7. Ohh hahah now I get it :$ Silly me lol.
  8. Thank you.. well tbh I don't get that I marked in red
  9. Aah thank you, exploded view! Thats the word haha
  10. No that one, hm I will upload a screen shoot in a minute or so.. Edit : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/namnlos.png/
  11. I do, and I got a hm.. what is it called? Its like a schedule how its putted together and that, hope u understand? :s :$
  12. Haha thank you, love to write but even tho my English isn't great at all, but I hope you all understand me well
  13. The cables are moving, the black thing inside it are moving to but it's not going smooth like it used too.. But I got a o-ring from a friend thats never been used, so I might put it in tomorrow when I'm going to the change the gaskets on the cylinder..
  14. Hello people! I'm a male from Sweden, named Jesper, lives quite near Stockholm, the fabulous capital, sadly I'm only 17 years old but on my spare time I spend most of my time in front of my computer that I care about just like it would be my baby haha and training MMA too, but just been doing that for one week I'm not mechanic of myself so I will probably ask a lots of dumb questions that basic so you guys maybe Right now I'm studding to be a plumber(LOL), not the most fanciest work out there, but it's quite nice paycheck there each month, and I'm NOT crawling around in poop that some of you might think I will do haha. And to my other baby, a Yamaha DT125R '03, it did look really beautiful when I bhought it one year ago, but now it isnt that fancy as it used to look just because I took it offroad and falled alot haha, but still a good condition on it If you wonder something just ask! // Jesper https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/268799_1615410164301_1807759158_962266_6005501_n.jpg A photo on me on my bike before I got the license, was training the slowmo-part, driving in like 1-5 km/h hehe
  15. I know how it sounds but it changed alot what it used to sound like, and thanks for the really quick answer! Got surprised hehe. I did actually take of the cover on it because a friend said that I should take a look and maybe clean it, but it's so clean I wouldn't mind lick it *rofl* Oh, I will do it straight away