XVS125 1st Gear loss
I can only hope for a record. Update- Clutch and friction plates measured at max of tolerance. Surprised must have be replace just before I got it 3 years ago. Bike has done 25k. How long do they usually last. Think normal riding. No thrashing.
XVS125 1st Gear loss
It's been a long time so sorry for the extremely late reply. Never did look at it. Just drove the car around until now. Just passed my proper bike test and currently looking for a bike bigger bike so decided it's about time I taught myself about motorcycles. Have my xvs 125 in pieces. Have a nice workshop manual all printed out in a folder. Disassembling and reassembling over winter and having another bike puts less pressure on me and allows me to enjoy it. I'll update on the last suggestion and hopefully anything I find may help someone in the future when they do a Google search.
XVS 125 workshop manual
Thanks. Sorry took so long busy week!
XVS 125 workshop manual
Could a Kind gentlemen....or lady of course! PM me a workshop manual or link for an XVS 125. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Steve
XVS125 1st Gear loss
Oil change was only 200 miles ago and all other gears working fine. I'll have a play with it next weekend and let you know how I get on.
XVS125 1st Gear loss
Afternoon. Sorry I don't no what you mean by slipped a spline.
XVS125 1st Gear loss
With or without the engine on I can tell I am missing 1st and I can access all other gears. It doesn't go into Neutral. I've been up and down trying to find it feathering between gears in the hope that I can feel it but nothing. I've rode it for a long time now so I can tell by the feel I am pulling off in 2nd (best I can explain). Low revs as soon as I depress the clutch feels like pulling off in a low gear. I drive as well so it feel similar to pulling off in 2nd in a car need higher revs to get going. I just went outside again. 5,4,3,2 all there then nothing and 2,3,,4,5.
XVS125 1st Gear loss
Afternoon all, A little advice needed before I take it down to the garage. Was riding to work today all fine and hunky dory until I got to just outside of work and then chugg......No Neutral or 1st gear. All other gears ok. Drop down to 2nd and then nothing on the Gear Lever, No pressure. almost like it never had anything lower than 2nd. I've rode it around the car park a few times this afternoon to see if any change but none. I have to start with clutch pressed as no Neutral. A little history- Its about 2 weeks out of dry winter storage. Had a service just before Christmas with a Fuel pump( if you can call it that ) and HT coil change. I've rode it for a year and half covered around 5-6000 miles. Thanks Steve
XVS125 Clunky when coming to a stop/slowing
Chain and sprockets changed. All good. Still getting a rattle when leaning left over bumps.
XVS125 Clunky when coming to a stop/slowing
Its stopped now after some tinkering. I want to change the chain anyway as its starting to look tired despite chain lubing it up. What chain do I need. I see 2 different types 428 and 520?
XVS125 Clunky when coming to a stop/slowing
Not when applying the brakes and it didnt do it this morning on the way to work. I'll see how it goes over next couple of days and get back to you. Cheers for the reply!
XVS125 Clunky when coming to a stop/slowing
Good evening all, Hope somebody can be of some help. My XVS125 is what I can only describe as being clunky when I slow down. I dont have to be on the brakes or in gear for it to be like this. Recently had the usual on the service sparks air filter oil filter chain/wheel adjustment I cant feel anything when riding just when slowing down. Any thoughts appreciated. Steve
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