getting my L2 back on the road
woo who more parts arrived today the new ignition switch and speedo cable
getting my L2 back on the road
first of the new parts came in the mail today now have a new air cleaner and a speedo next will degrease the frame and pick up some of the small parts to be continued....
getting my L2 back on the road
ok so i am an impatient bugger i decided to patch the wiring to see if i could get it started and now i see why there was a garage engineered starter put on gave it about ten kicks and it fell off it appears they did a fix on it once so now i have to get a new shaft here are a few pics
getting my L2 back on the road
Well just an update i have gone through the wiring found a few more gremlins the wires to the indicator switch had been sheared off so fixed that up also had to rewire the high low switch managed to locate a new ignition switch, air filter, and speedo, flasher can and some of the other parts on the world wide garage sale aka ebay now to wait for the arrival of parts
getting my L2 back on the road
yeah i know it looks like about that era they used the same frame and engine and swaped exaust and tyres and called it trail lol it goint to be good to get it back on the black top
getting my L2 back on the road
hi guys and gals though it might be nice to put some pics up of my bike and the work to get it back on the road hereis the bike as i got it so now that i have it at home i have started to find out what molestation the previous owners have done to it and so far here is the list 1. hacked the wiring so there is no charge circuit and no tail light and no horn 2. rewired the horn button as a kill switch 3. sheared off the woodruf key 4. tryed to fix the ignition switch but they forgot to put the insulators back in and cooked the switch bike in bits so have fixed up the wiring loom where there was worn wiring and the cut out sections now just waiting for time to get to the wreckers and ebay to find the missing bits which so far include speedo speedo cable air filter steering lock ignition switch mirrors tail light battery and i also have to fabricate a luggage rack/seat the wiring loom
hi all
Hi there guys and gals thought best to come and say hi i have just purchased a L2 not entirly sure of year yet have been told 1971 i look like i have a bit of work ahead of me the wiring has been hacked but not un fixable looking forward to hitting the road will try and keep up a restoration thread and pics cheers Peter
wiring diagram for a L2
hi guys and gals just new to the site as i have just picked up my L2 and have found the wiring to be a bit of a mess was hoping some one on here might be able to help me with a diagram I'm not sure if other models around the same era had the same wiring or not i pre thank you for any assistance cheers pete