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fishy pete

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Everything posted by fishy pete

  1. Have taken the passenger seat off...really luv the curvey lines with out it. Fitted small no. plate too. Doesnt need too much bling imo... but going to invest in some arlen ness mirrors and gotta sort the exhaust out...looks too big and naff and dont sound right despite drilling the baffles...oh have fitted the O2 sensor from Jacks...big difference..!! Thinking of some curved cobras poss?? Or the V &H bigshots...why oh why are bike bits sooo dear?? What have you fitted? Roll on Spring...
  2. Hi Bulldog Read yr post with interest...i have indeed done just that last year.. Now the proud owner of a new XVS 1300 Midnight Star. Now let me clarify a few things for you.. Being an ex car salesman..and bit around the block a bit..some 53 years now..hopefully we have all learned a few things ..we hope by now. I have been fornuate with my last few bikes by actually making money on them..not bad..can be done if you buy wise. My last bike was a 2001 R1.. only 3300 milkes on the clock when i bought it...sold it a year later and made £800..great for a years free riding. Anyway... after a few calculations and alot of phoning around...hey i discovered i could buy a BRAND new Midnight Star at a BIG saving...however it was like joining a secret club as you have to search around for these. To cut a long story short.. clarkgrey is dead right My 2009 model has a black headlight and not chrome . Thats about it !! The headlight i prefer as is... The dealers take these in..as they must have all models.. here was the spec on mine It is BRAND NEW unregistered Metalic Black....The ONLY colour to have one of these in IMO.. Zero Miles Full 2 year Yam warranty and RaC breakdown cover. I paid £6500 for mine registered June 2011 The Midnight Star hasnt been a big seller in the Uk. So some of the deakers that have then in stock are keen to sell them. I dont know why you are worried about the date is was built...it doesnt mean a thing truly..!!