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Everything posted by Fazerjon

  1. I have a 2003 XT600E, and covered 30,000 relatively trouble free miles. Recently I have noticed an oil leak coming from around the starter motor area. You can actaully see it running down from under the starter on the back of the left hand crank case. Is there an oil seal or gasket that could be leaking between the starter and the crank case? I haven't stripped anything down yet, I thought I'd ask some advice first!!
  2. Hi, YPVS TONE, yes its all sorted now thanks. I drained no4 float bowl out and alls well. I disconnected the tps to see if a code would show up, if maybe I'd knocked something off when fitting my heated grips. It was just a coincidence that after I'd been playing with the wiring, that I had a fuelling problem too!! Thanks anyway
  3. Ive just fitted some heated grips to my 1999 FZS600, went about a mile up the road and got a missfire. Rode back home and it seems cyl 4 is not as warm as the others. I took the tps off and put the ign on and the needle went up to 3000 then zero and then 3000 and keeps doing this every couple of seconds. Any idea what this may mean?
  4. Hi, new to the site, just joined today! Looking forward to another biking year ahead. I currently own a 1999 FZS600 , I'm building a hardtail chop using a 1200 Bandit and also ride a harley iron when the weathers nice! Cheers Jon