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Everything posted by Gavski11

  1. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    I haven't really know. I haven't had alook at the sprocket yet keep going to but then never have time.
  2. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    No it doesn't make the sound on tick over or start up just when moving and its more prominent when moving slowly but still there it when going abit faster. Im gunna change the sprockets and chain and see from there if its not that to the garage it goes.
  3. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    No it doesn't make the sound on tick over or start up just when moving and its more prominent when moving slowly but still there it when going abit faster. Im gunna change the sprockets and chain and see from there if its not that to the garage it goes.
  4. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nope I've checked that it's just about half way on the dip stick.
  5. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    Looked at the chain no seized link. The tea sprocket looks ok just need to check the frount! Not been on her for a a while. I'm in proses of geting some chain lube and want to soak then chain on oil. I would say the noise is still there as I've not ridden her for a while so if I cnt find out what's up ill have to take to a garage.
  6. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    Cheers guys I'll have alook. I've been told also as well as what u lot have said that it might be worn sprockets. So I'll have alook at them to. Just got a Haynes manual so I'll be tinkering haha.
  7. Gavski11 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi guys, I seem to have a clunking sound coming from some where around the engine area. I think it's coming from where the chain goes into the engine but I'm not sure. Its asif I had some thing stuck in my chain and ever time it goes round it makes a clunk and it's more at low speeds. It sounds more of a mechanical clunking to. I've checked the chain see if there is out in it and there isn't I've checked it if it's lose and it's fine. So I was woundering if any1 could shed any light on this worrying anoying sound. Hopefully ya sort of get what I mean haha.
  8. Gavski11 replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in General
    Have you seen the 3 quarters? What's all that about? You might as well just where shorts because as we have been told full length jeans ride up! So what's the point? That's def more of just a fashion statment! I'd rather have skin than look really cool haha
  9. Gavski11 replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in General
    Them hornees seem like a right dodgey pair off trousers haha. I'm gunna have alook see what they look like. Did they come with huge red shoes haha
  10. Gavski11 replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in General
    36 years of riding blimy haha ive not even been riding a year haha. I think I'll have To see them first and make my mind up. But i want some leathers first tho. I've looked at them leather pants and they look good. There pretty cheap to which is good. All the ones I seem to look at are pretty exspensive and if there cheap they look awfull!
  11. Gavski11 replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in General
    What do u think of kevlar jeans now? Think I will pass for now.
  12. Gavski11 replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in General
    I totally agree with u Ttaskmaster. I've yet to get leathers as I've not been riding long. I've got a set of textiles at the moment but I want leathers. I've tryed my mates leathers and totally felt alot safer. I've also worn normal jeans to the shop and was alot more nervous about riding just in case I fell off. So I think this thread has made me think I think I'll pass on a very exspensive pair of jeans and put the money towards a more safer option.
  13. Gavski11 replied to Toutsuite's post in a topic in General
    I have been looking into getting some of theses fancie jeans to. Seems to me theres abit of mixed feelings which is makeing me think hmmm should i shouldnt i? To me they seem like they are better suited as short journey kit. You can buy padded protection for them as well. But if your just nipping to the shop or going for a little ride i.e for me down the marine drive to the popular cafe on the beach which is about 3 mile roughly, and if the weather is rosting hot or you dont wana have to fight to get in to your leathers they seem like a good option. Yes leather is the best and will allways be better than kevlar jeans untill such technology catches up. Wouldnt tucking the jeans into your boot help with the riding up situation? I no it would'nt look very good haha but when you get off you could just un-tuck them haha just a idea haha
  14. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    haha i wil be. I love tinkering with things just hate the fact that i dont know what im doing half the time. Ive got a few good mates who know what there doing but its getting the time to borrow them from there busy lives haha so thats why i asked on here haha cheers for the advie so far any more is very welcome
  15. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    Water? i no it will have water in but how do you know if you need to top it up, and where do you check to know if you need to top it up? Ive found and bought a manual so thats that question answered haha
  16. Gavski11 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi guys, with cost of things going up D.I.Y servicing is on the cards. On a bike What is a normal service? Also does any body know what type of oil a y reg r6 takes milage is around 23000. oh and is there a haynes manual or equivalent for y reg r6. cheers!
  17. Gavski11 replied to Gavski11's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sounds good I'll have to give it ago. Thanks.
  18. Gavski11 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Im wanting to change my rear light to an intragrated indicator light as im wanting a tail tidy and it seems like trying to put the indicators on there is abit of a pain. The light I have found is on eBay it seems to be the only 1 there haha is it any good and will it just swap straight over? I also found some angle eyes on the net but on a German web site same sketch with this really are they any good and will they swap over? I have no idea at all about bikes or even electrics. I wana do it my self so I can learn and it's cheaper haha I would be great full for any help.
  19. Squires cafe don't think I've heard of that cafe haha I'm sure you guys will tell me haha. Thanks for the welcome. I have a few questions but I'll put new post up.
  20. Hello and happy new year to every one on here. Obviously im new thats why im writing in this section haha. Just abit about me names Gavin Oliver im 24 from sunny scarborough, some of you will know scarborough as its quiet popular with bikers mainly Olivers mount. I have recently passed my test in july just gone then got a 2001 R6 Red with gold wheels in september not a very good time to get a bike but i had about 4 weeks riding then the weather got worse as im a new rider im not very confident and push bikes are faster than me in the rain haha. I absolutly love being on a bike id never had a bike or riden a bike and now im hucked. The bike is in the garage and ive also had touble with insurance so thats the main reason im not on it at the moment. Any way enough blabing most if you wont even read half of this haha time to look around the site and see if any 1 from scarborough is on here and what tips i can find.