Everything posted by punkykev1
xv535 tachometer
thanx realrayzor, but was looking for more info as the xv535 are a v-twin and most (all) the tachometers on ebay are single cylinder so was wondering if this mod would work? http://www.hondashadow.net/forum/72-technical-discussion/66986-cheap-tachometer-your-bike.html
xv535 tachometer
hi guys and gals, was wondering if anybody added a tachometer to their virago xv535 and if so which one and how thanx
- new
guy wakes up
This guy wakes up out of a deep sleep and, feeling real horny, nudges his wife awake and asks, "Why don't we get it on, eh?" She replies, "I have an appointment at the gynecologist tomorrow and you know I don't like to make love the night before." So the husband agrees and rolled back over and started to go back to sleep. A few minutes later, he nudges his wife again and asks, "You don't by any chance have a dentist's appointment tomorrow, do you?"
- Hello
hi DirtyDT, Thanx for the welcome and info, yes it does have a side stand switch (the guy i bought it from said he disabled it)..so works better now, clutch still makes noise, I have'nt changed the friction plates yet was just wondering if i would use same torque on EBC springs as haynes manual says for OEM springs... Hi Michelsmith
Dog trying to get a 'stranger' to throw a stick for him.
ha ha poor doggie
Hi everyone, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. New to this forum,I am doing up a 1993 xv535 and have some clutch problems when I clutch it in neutral it makes a rattle noise and if i put it into gear it konks out, have got new EBC friction plates and springs and since the springs are 10% stiffer what torque do I tighten them to and any other tips please thanks punkykev1 my bikes.... Suzuki 1979 125er Pioneer 2008 Nevada 125 Yamaha 1993 Virago xv535