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  1. Jimmy17V4 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Over the Christmas period me and a mate went out for a bit of a morning ride, we didn’t really have a plan of action so we just put our kit on and went in whatever direction the front wheel was facing, to cut a long story short we ended up having a brew outside a local cafe “bacon butty did accompany the brew, just be plain rude not too” and got caught up in the age old question. “If you could have three bikes what would they be” My mate being a practical sort of chap said his three would be an XJ6 {for town; light and nimble} a XJR1300 {for posing; big and bold} and finally a FJR1300 {for touring; big, fast, comfy}, I’m not too sure about mine yet I’ll have to have a think “don’t worry if you smell burning”.
  2. Whoops, I forgot a bike on the list, I also had a 1996 YZF600R Thundercat.
  3. If I had to choose one it would probably be the FZS1000, probably one of the best bikes I have ever owned {it'll do anything i ask of and still come back for more}. don’t get me wrong all the bikes I have and still own bring me an endless amount of joy that my other half can’t get her head around, all she see's is transport. To me a bike is much more than just transport, if that makes any sense {I’ve probably just made myself look pretty dam sad haven’t I}.
  4. Tell me about it, I didn’t really think about it until I listed them all down “funny that really”.
  5. I thought I just drop in and introduce myself to you lot {bear with me, I’ll try and keep it brief}, my name is jimmy I’m 27 and I currently reside in the cambridgeshire area of the world. I am currently working as a machinist within a large engineering company based in east anglia and I have been riding motorbikes since late 2002 {but have had a passion for two wheels since day one}. I have had a range of motorbike all of which have been yamahas and I can’t really see me changing manufacturer anytime soon {can’t beat them for build quality and reliability}, I have loved every mile ridden on each of these bikes and I have never regretted getting any of them {selling them is a different matter completely}. 1985 V Max 1200 1994 V Max 1200 1994 XV 535 1996 TRX 850 1998 Fazer 600 2001 FZS 1000 2003 XJR1300 2006 YZF R6 2008 YZF R1 Hopefully that was brief enough for you all, and I look forward to joining in with you lot