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  1. St0fxxx posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi guys, Anyone out there with an 89 DT125R which they know still has the original block in it. I've just checked mine and it has 3MB00 on it. I cant find anything on tinterwebz that says this is right (in fact things that say its wrong). I need to do the top end and know that the piston sizes differ 88-89 (56.40mm) and 90 onwards (56.00mm). Then i guess then ive gotta see if its already been bored total PITA getting a 2nd hand bike, i wanna know everything Thanks in advance guys $t0F
  2. St0fxxx replied to St0fxxx's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeah i've read about the oil too. I was going to soak them in the oil i drain from the engine, do you think that'll be ok? They're carbon friction plates so im not even sure if you need to soak them, i guess i'll just have to wait for them to arrive. I just cant stop thinking about this sort of thing once its in my head I guess being prepared isn't a bad thing. Thanks for the advise Kev, you've been very helpful +1.
  3. St0fxxx replied to St0fxxx's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice one thanks mate, I bought one of those tools too. I've read the haynes book o' lies and it wasn't (surprisingly) very informative. I've bought a kit which comes with new friction, metal plates and springs, do i still need to worry about the 'lug' location? Or will it be in the instructions with the kit do you recon? cheers
  4. St0fxxx replied to St0fxxx's post in a topic in The Bar
    It is a TM28SS and is not a CV Carb in case anyone else wanted to know. So I've now got all the bit to make it faster, then my clutch starts slipping . Theres a new clutch kit in the post, anything i should be aware of when changing the clutch? ta
  5. St0fxxx posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello Peeps, Long time no post. My bike is running really well, now I have sorted out the compression (silencer had a crack in it). Now thats she's up and running properly I'd like to modify it a little more. I've got some Boyeson reeds and a ramair pod filter in the post. I'm planning on re-jetting too obviously but wanted to know a little more about the carb in my bike first. My research says its a Mikuni TM28SS but I cant find out whether this carb is a CV (Constant Velocity) carb or not or even if its the right carb at all!??! Do any of you guys know? Cheers $t0F
  6. Sweet thanks nsd! EDIT: Yep you were both right, the chain was too loose. Tightened this morning and all is well. Thanks to both of you for your help. I now understand what you meant Drewpy
  7. Hey drewpy Thanks for the reply. By chain has tight spots do you mean like kinks in the chain? So the chain is actually too loose once its spinning? Sorry mate, i dont really understand what you mean <feels dumb> Cheers
  8. hello again chaps n chapesses ive just fitted a new pair of sprockets an a new chain. When im riding in the lower gears and the power band kicks in it feels like something is slipping, the bike judders well more the back wheel. ive double checked and everything is tightened back wheel front sprocket etc. The chain is tight/loose enough i think. Any ideas what it might be? Thanks in advance
  9. HAHA! ...what a plank i am
  10. I keep using screws and they keep falling out. What do the other DT125 owners use to pin it open?
  11. Thanks for the help guys. my engine number is IN23458 (I think, grabbed it before reading here and might have got the wrong one, it was behind the gear lever EDIT: its wrong ) Its obvious because when I have looked at purchasing one the 89 has 56mm and the later models have 56.6mm. How are the oil pump covers different?
  12. Nice one drewpy. Thanks for you help mate...
  13. That makes sense, do you know where the engine number is located? Also what do I check it against, will there be an engine number on my V5?
  14. hello peeps When I bought my 89 DT 125r the guy said that they guy before him had swapped the engine for a 2002 engine. Im looking to do the top end on it but obviously the piston sizes differ from the original 89 engine and the newer ones. Is there an easy way to see if the engine is different to the original (with taking the head off and measuring the piston). I use this bike everyday as it is my only mode of transport so i need to keep the downtime to a minimum to enable me to get work etc. I would like to be able to order all the parts and do it all at once. Could i take the head off measure the piston and then put it back on with the original gaskets or would they need to be replaced every time you take the head off? Cheers
  15. St0fxxx replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    This guy should be on TV...funny as....