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Everything posted by Sacha

  1. I'd rather be riding than working... unless its working on the bike.
  2. +1 Would like to get some dragging jeans, but I have a hard time buying things without trying them on.
  3. Welcome aboard.
  4. Hi fatlad74. You should post an intro in the New Member section... after that you'll probably get more of a response.
  5. Adam. Looks like you got some ride out info in another thread.
  6. aboard ribcracker! Post some pics of the bobber when you get a chance. Check the FAQ section for help with pics.
  7. to the YOC!
  8. You should post an intro in the New Member section to let everyone know a bit about you. You won't get much help without doing so. Getting the manual is a great idea. You'll be glad you did. As far as the shifter I can't help, but I think you're right that PR is prime. RES is reserve. I usually have to use the choke (they call it a starter injector in my rider's manual) even when the weather here is hot... so that may be normal. ?? If not the folks here will know... and then I'll know something's wrong with my bike!
  9. Sacha

    Yamaha XJ6 Naked 2009

    Youll probably want to post your intro in the New Member section since this thread is from fall 2011 (and not your thread).
  10. Post an intro in the New Member section to let everyone know a little about you. Some folks don't respond if you haven't posted an intro. (no intro, no info) No opinion on the scooter though.
  11. You'll probably get a better response from the folks if you post an intro in the New Member section. I always thought white smoke was a sign of transmission fluid or antifreeze in the head, but on a motorbike I'm not sure. Others here will have a better idea. Good luck!
  12. again. Can't wait to see her restored. She's a good looking bike.
  13. to the YOC. Check the subscriptions page for pricing. Looks like DirtyDT linked it for you... I couldn't find it on my phone.
  14. Too clever! Grouch didn't tell us he was in a short. I have a deep respect for stop action... what a time-consuming pain in the ass. :/
  15. Sacha

    Got clipped today

    Well that makes perfect sense.
  16. Nice color that.
  17. Oh yes! Like the "Wy" one that's "Welcome to New York. Have a nice day." Seriously! Something like that would make me holler and run away. +1 not the size, but how you use it. I just thought it was hilarious, "it's my dick."
  18. What does the Pontiac GTO orange look like? I like the orange on s-price13's bike But anytime I see orange I always want to add some brown and white with it, but that wouldn't go well with the carbon fiber on yours. So, once again, not much help at all.
  19. Hiya wrestler. You'll want to introduce yourself in the New Member section. You're likely to get more help if you do that. Just let the folks know a little bit about you and your bike. Then you'll want to give a detailed description of the problem (in the workshop section). It's difficult to troubleshoot at a distance, but the folks on here are proof that it's possible. They just need to know the specifics. Good luck... hope you get it sorted! to the YOC btw.
  20. TSA: Is That a Bomb in Your Pants or Just the World's Largest Recorded Penis?
  21. Sacha

    Got clipped today

    My rear foot peg does the same thing and it does just drive me crazy! I really believe we make our own fate, but maybe some things happen for a reason? Glad you weren't hurt and ...keep changing my mind whether to get another Supermoto or a Sports. get another supermoto! hee, hee
  22. Wow! Spectacular scenery! It looks like such a beautiful place, and full of history. Bummer about the wind catching your bike like that. I've worried about the wind around here... we get some strong gusts sometimes. I usually hope that the center stand is a real stable way for her to sit (even though she's so light). I enjoyed the pictures and the stories! Thanks for sharing.
  23. to the YOC. Sounds like you know your way around restorations and builds... and at 15... wish I'd have started then. I have an old friend who restored a Chris Craft... beautiful craftsmanship... I should dig out those pictures (good times). See you online!
  24. No worries! Glad you got it sorted. Looks like a great bike. Not the first time (and likely not the last) that I'll say it, but I love the look of these classic bikes.
  25. Very nice. I'd love to see some pics with and without the headlight... post up when you get it done. (not to sound bossy)
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