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Everything posted by Sacha

  1. That'll resuscitate him alright.
  2. LMFAO man! Sounds like you have some good times!
  3. You're most welcome. Sounds like you'll have it sorted in no time.
  4. not that far... I'm in Idaho and it's the state above Utah.
  5. Ray. +1 for DT502001's comment... I love to see what everyone's doing.
  6. sumbitch had an axe?! woah... now he's hard core, ya?
  7. I'm not sure of the top speed on your bike, but I'm willing to bet it's been highly discussed before... check out Also, you're likely to get a better response from the folks here if you post an introduction in the new member section (see ).
  8. aboard from a neighbor to the north.
  9. aboard Jay!
  10. Wow. That was... um, interesting... different... weird. I don't think I even know what the hell I just watched. ??
  11. Take that water bottles... let that be a warning to all of your kind...
  12. Sacha

    idiot van drivers

    Holy hell Bippo! You're lucky he didn't totally ram you. Thank goodness you weren't hurt! :shake_no: Bet you didn't need any coffee after... maybe a Valium instead.
  13. Hope you stay feeling better! Take care of yourself.
  14. Hi Marcus. to the YOC!
  15. Sacha


    Guy I know had someone win the bid and then tell him, "oh I was just bidding for fun, I didn't think I'd actually win." What an asshole.
  16. Sacha

    Very Very Lucky

    WTH was she doing?! Not paying attention anyway.
  17. Seems a few members have gotten new plastics for 125s, but I'm not sure on the years and makes. I'm sure someone who's actually helpful will be along. aboard!
  18. Hi Fredrik. to the YOC!
  19. See if any of this helps.
  20. poor baby used as a shelf. hee, hee j/k Welcome aboard the YOC!
  21. Hmmm... 34 degrees Fahrenheit on my way to the gym this morning. Made a bit of a nippy ride... but oh so worth it.
  22. Jon. I'm restoring a '76 DT175C too thanks to the folks here. Start a project thread if you like and we can all witness your progress too.
  23. Marcos! Love to see some pics when you have a chance. There's some helpful info for posting pics in the FAQ section too.
  24. Sacha

    Moped advert

    LMAO! Sold!
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