Hey from NZ
Got the gprs installed.The bracket clamps that came with it are hard to get centred.They also move when exaust is bumped.im currently constructing ally brackets to secure mufflers better.Also the outlet chrome ends arnt the nicest.I think ill remove and repack exaust and replace the end caps with a differnt type during the winter. Overall idd suggest the the gprs wouldnt be my first choice for mufflers.I think that rework originals would have looked better and if i was to start again idd go that way or spend extra on a dearer system.
Hey from NZ
Got lucky last night found gpr system for my mt cheap 500 nzd is 250 pounds or about 350 usd. We only have 4 mill people here so idd say maybe only a hundred or 2 mt01s in the country. Priced up to import new at 1800+ including freight and tax etc so im feeling happy... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=438160856
thunderace engine change
My fzr1000w was doing the same on the track (same engine with different oil filter basically).Turned out to be cracked sleave.If you have the money fit 1040 kit and do bearings clean up head and do valves if needed.Money spent will give you 20 extra hp rather than gamble on a second hand engine. This is mine smoking on cracked sleave prior to rebuild.200ml oil per race approx lost.Crack was 1/2 length of barrel.
Hey from NZ
Tracked down some race footage.I used to race post classic pre 1989 bikes in New Zealand.FZR1000W 1040 kit exup removed yoshi header, custom muffler ,gsxr rearsets ,yss rear suspension ,flat slides ,ohlins racetec front,head work, 163 rear wheel hp.Im thinking of building another next year maybe fzr400/600 powered for post classic junior series.
Hey from NZ
thats early on before i got bags and before i made it road legal shows frame etc. Theres another of a road test also but i loaded camera onto seat and it shock alot search ssmossy1200 user name also have fzr1000 post classic race footage etc.
Virago 535 Hardtail
Your going to need a really good pillow in your pants or your butts going to be tenderised and patterned like treadle plate
Hey from NZ
Hme made.i priced uni go etc and at 2700 plus hitch and exchange rate freight and goods tax would have been $5000 nz dollars Trailer build cost $1040 include plates etc plus $460 nz for bags connection speedpack. total load is 150 litres which is more than uni go etc. Hitch is via U bend from a axel that goes through my hollow axel pivots on 2 eye bearings. Chasis is a buket racer bike frame hand made alluminium. It uses the stearing head like a bike.System allows to turn but forces it to lean with bike. Speed tested in at 180kmph about 115 miles a hour.At that speed it starts to sway. This is due to flex in the U hitch so ill brace it up a bit.The U bend is currently 10mm by 50mm steel unbraced. Suspension is new scooter shock full floater .Shock runs up centre of frame under bags. Handles well with 40kg load.Think i can do 50kg after brace U. Open road speeds i often forget its there. By mossy1200 at 2011-12-15 MT01 doesnt have a great capacity for luggage and i do a bit of touring etc with wife hence the build project..
Hey from NZ
Ta i was in but didnt get time to finish the uploads last night
Hey from NZ
Hi there.Called in to say hello. Currently riding MT-01. Previously raced FZR1000W in pre 89 postclassic class.Highly modified. Current hobby was trailer build for MT01.Single wheel design. http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php/144565-Trailer-build-project link to pix as i cant get imageshack to work