- Colour codes for 1976 DT175
- Colour codes for 1976 DT175
- Colour codes for 1976 DT175
- Colour codes for 1976 DT175
- Colour codes for 1976 DT175
G'day everyone !
Yes dingoes do that, not sure how tasty that would have been though
G'day everyone !
SatNav.. Lol.. Perhaps a good spot for a UHF radio, or maybe drink holders! Gotta have somewhere to put my milkshake from chuckdonalds drive thru lol
G'day everyone !
Oh that.. Yeah seemed to be some sort of makeshift metal plate to screw a registration plate onto. Front rego plate not required in oz so not sure where the bike might have been at to require that. Im pretty sure I got this from a guy that was/is a member on here coz I've seen pics of it in here.. Exact same bike!
G'day everyone !
If you mean what's she resting on.. That would be me finding a useful purpose for my broken microwave.. Safety first ! Lol oops
G'day everyone !
And after the stripping!!
G'day everyone !
Ok having a go at posting a pic..
G'day everyone !
Thanks for the replies everyone.. Its not possums I have to worry about here so much as the wombats! Those little buggers can take out a car! I'll put some pics up as soon as I figure out how to.. Cheers all..
Fantastic Engineering
Un-bloody-believable.. Seriously amazing
changing your oil, SR style
That was gold! Still laughing
G'day everyone !
Hi everyone, I'm a new girl rider, in Melbourne Australia. My awesome fiancé bought me a '76 DT175.. Ole bucket and just beaut! Stripped it down last Saturday and I'm a very excited little possum about cracking into it.. Lots to learn and lots of fun to be had sourcing parts and getting things together. Hopefully my story will be a successful one!
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