Everything posted by Madug
XJ600 Project
Think a done a good job first time
Got the paint made up at dingbros just add thiners to suit air brush bud
Think a done a good job first time
Think a done a good job first time
Done with a air brush bud
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Think a done a good job first time
What about the temp back spring :-)
Think a done a good job first time
What u think. ?
- Prog
near done just need springs
Now a can post pic must learn to spell lol
Paint a got made up at dingbros Dwerp
- Prog
- Prog
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new member :)
Love it the hi and hellows a new female membrer gets the guys get 3 if ther lucky lol o and hi L
xj600 help
Might be a help had same prob last week was ma pick up coils were at fault and if u run switch is on and the oil light comes on it will be a loose wire hope this is a help bud.
Xj900f help
Hi slice thank for reply came out the righthand side nay bother :-)
Xj900f help
Just about to strip ma old xj to paint the engin can it only come out the right hand side of the bike thank. Ian
- Virago 125
Virago 125
Mods remove my number please did not think of that.
Virago 125
Can some one help. Need wiring diagram for the above thanks. pm me
Me passing the off road manoeuvres test ..... not too bad :)
Who's the burd impressive 😘
Jimmy Carr Vs Hecklers
That was brill thanks pmsl
Motorway Lane Splitting Into London
Ur. No right in the heed m8
1996 Yamaha XJ600s Seca II
Firstly pull the carbs and de muck them clean the de muck is my word