Everything posted by gizmo666
Collector box for a 1989 535
plenty of them on ebay i would say your better with an aftermarket system as the collecter box is a rust haven
Xvs650 classic weirdness!
good to hear
datatag stickers
excellent i'll try those methods dam things are annoying the hell outa me lol
looking for a new bike
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/yamaha-bike-/221252332610?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item3383aaac42 check out this ad haha
Xvs650 classic weirdness!
i've never done this so have no idea if it works but if you remove the battery for an hour this will "reset" the system when you refit the battery evrything will be back to normal as said i've never done this but have heard it works suppose theres nothing to lose
datatag stickers
does anyone have any ideas how to get datatag stickers off i got one on ma tank and one on the rear fender and want rid of them any ideas folks
i use the screen on my draggie personally i like it but its not to everyones tastes
xvs 650 or xv535
excellent vid
650 Dragstar - just too darn quiet!!
you fecker you know me haha
650 Dragstar - just too darn quiet!!
yup very true but thats why they invented exhaust wrap haha
xvs 650 or xv535
noise you should know the saddlebags and the tassles are worth more than the fuckin virago NOW GIZMO HAS ALREADY SPOKEN ON THIS THE VIRAGO IS SHIT UP AGAINST A DRAGSTAR thats just my opinion and as i had stripped and lightened my virago to try and gain more power(which just isnt there) the general concencus was you cant polish a turd........................ as for the harley debate i ride beside them every day and no 750 cruiser stands a chance of catching up with one i've seen a 1340 harley outrun a sports bike sometimes its not only the bike but the rider who knows how to handle it
come back Grouch
GROUCH!!!! great to see you back maybe some of the flack will miss me now haha
anyone catch the redbull soapbox derby?
some of them were brilliant i think the winners spitfires went a bit overboard with their cart tho' coffin dodgers were excellent with the crashing finish best was the vw van
MOT Question
i would imagine they're just the same
650 Dragstar - just too darn quiet!!
i agree with task if you want great pipes then you'll have to spend money the gemini exhuasts are a good alternative for half the money they also give you an "eternity guarantee" bet you dont get that with highway hawks i'm on my second set of gemini's and tbh i cant fault them i sorted the popping on my bike my fault to be honest as i fitted them in a hurry and never put new gaskets in put new gaskets in and probs solved its as loud as the harley's(i ride beside a lot of them) guaranteed to piss off the neighbours haha
xvs 650 or xv535
lol handbags at dawn..........................
XVS1100 Import
good to see your ride made it home
650 Dragstar - just too darn quiet!!
i put the gemini pipes on same as i had on my last xvs i think i need to re-jet as it was'nt so much as a backfire as a loud pop lol well a few loud pops ok i was ripping it
Yam Virago 535
i'm holding back lol
650 Dragstar - just too darn quiet!!
haha i dont mind i just put my new pipes on tonight and got pulled by plod coz they backfired when i rode pat them got advised to fit the baffles ok i said lol bikes as loud with them in lol
650 Dragstar - just too darn quiet!!
you have seen me noise coz that sure sounds like me haha
Yes/No on buying a 94 Virago 535?
ok i'll jump in here i think the 535 is an ok bike thats about it its ok at handling its ok at running its ok at about everything buts thats all it ever will be is just ok it lacks in low end power to cruise at a decent speed you have to rev it like hell at 70-80 mph it sounds like a lawnmower on speed when two up the power drop is so bad going uphill you'll be dropping gears like hell seriously have a look on ebay how many are for sale a lot right ..................should say something the starter clutch on the virago's (all of them) is an issue they do tend to knack up so look for a virago that has had the starter reconditioned(A MUST) another issue is the carb diaphrams (which are expensive to replace) which tend to pinhole but to avoid dissapointment i would say dont get it if you do i bet within days you'll be complaining about lack of power and just to let the haters know i spent a lot of time,money and effort bringing a 535 back from the dead only to be so dissapointed with the power of it up against a dragstar so i know what i'm talking about
Too Hot For Comfort
yea yea i know what your gonna say "i should know better" but today was so dam hot it was t shirt and waistcoat order for me what a feeling riding down the bypass passiang all thos folks in their cages and i was all cooled down fecker when i stopped tho' heat just hit me
650 Dragstar - just too darn quiet!!
the way a cruiser should be haha
First ever pillion
this was my granddaughters first ride out a total of four miles got home and the first thing she said was "why are we home" lol so it was a case of say goodby to her mum again and we went out for the rest of the day she done nearly 200 miles that day and loved every minute of it cant get peace now for her asking to go out all the time now gotta love our kids