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Everything posted by gizmo666

  1. very surprised this question has came up?? after all in a choice if virago or dragstar there is only one answer dragstar it does have some weight to it but tbh when the bike is moving its as light as hell and i would say 100% more reliable imo noise i ave to say in comparison to my old draggie yours is quiet what pipes is on yours? you done a good build with that tho'
  2. dont even consider drilling that bolt out if it spins by hand it will spin when you drill it and .......hole in tank i had the same problem my solution was simple get the smallest allen key you got or a very thin piece of metal(feeler gauges) slip this under the cluster and jam the rubber then unscrew the bolt this will do one of two things 1 damage the rubber that the nut will come outof it and release from the tank 2 it wll come off easily i had the first just renew the rubbers when you refit and dont overtighten good luck
  3. well thats it all over for my bike insurance paid out and the docs are away to them so if your down south around scunthorpe area and you see a dragster with the reg s107 att up for salvage let me know
  4. http://www.gocompare.com/car-insurance/imported.aspx?Media=GC4893&PST=1&gclid=CLDR8dLEtrICFcQNfAod5R0ANw try here
  5. thanks folks i'll be a long time healing and the biking season's about over this year(not that i ever gave a dam about that after all skins watertight haha) so i got plenty time to consider options but i miss riding already lol
  6. i didnt escape damage i got a fractured ankle with a talar shift which is pinned together broken knee fractured eye socket and cheekbone my missus got heavy spraining and muscle damage was going camping and as we were going round a corner the front wheel hit a rock on the road and we went into the rear wheels of an artic coming the other way near enough the whole front end of the bike got it as well as the whole left hand side from the rebound lol on a plus side tho' we held up about 30 miles of the a82 for a couple of hours lol
  7. sadly due to a collision with an articulated lorry(seriously) my baby has been written off was a great bike and will be sadly missed
  8. bump its this sunday folks feel free to come along
  9. 2 DAYS ....................2 FRIKIN DAYS i wish we had 2 decent days here still here's hoping for next week........and some good days
  10. so its raining why let that stop biking after all your skins waterproof
  11. gizmo666

    The ghost page

    excellent thought my take on religion
  12. gizmo666

    The ghost page

    personally i got my own(valid) reasons for what i believe i'm lucky and have had and still get regular experiences the most prolific experience i had was in the house i used to live in for weeks we(my friends and i) regularly heard footsteps coming from my upstairs hall different friends heard this at different times with no-one upstairs at the time i also woke up one night to find the whole upstairs hall deep in mist not smoke as there was no smell the partner i was with at the time seen the same thing researching the house i could find nothing so still unexplained in the house we are in just now we have heard voices and also seen numerous orbs the latest we found was on the floor in the bedroom when i went to renew the flooring i lifted the carpet and found this on the floor neither me or my partner has seen this before now folks can take what they like from what they read i know what i've seen and felt
  13. see you all in a fortnight i'm off to benidorm for my holidays have fun and ride safe all
  14. thanks noise i'm considering getting my wheels done black
  15. anyone got a rough idea of cost for powdercoating??
  16. yea so long as your string dont snap halfway through like mine did lol
  17. £9 off ebay and a bitch to fit
  18. i have the same trouble what i've got to do is reverse the bike in and when i reach the bars i have to turn them get one side in tilt the bike and get the other side in its awkward but a good deterant from theft
  19. task is that the right size for your front?? mines a 130 wide
  20. hard to believe its possible but harder to believe the bike is more stable in that position than upright
  21. somehow i dont think it will replace the real thing lol
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