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  1. loftuz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi peeps Can anyone tell me if a 120/70/17 tyre fit on a 1999 R6? Would it rub on mudguard or anything because me like a div have ordered and payed for the wrong size............ Many Thanks
  2. loftuz posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi peeps Im new to this forum so 1st off a big HELLO............... I've got a 1999 r6 and am in the situation of needing to remove the engine.......... :-( Long story but the top and bottom of it is i now have a cracked crank case (chain jumped off) and it requires weldng. Can anyone point me in the direction of an idiots guide to the removal Any one out there got any top tip's or good advice? I'm hopeing i wont have to dismantle the engine for it to be welded, but knowing my luck (bad) i may have too! :-( Any help would be great!!!!! Loftuz
  3. loftuz replied to Kitty-Cat's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Love the black one..... Just dont like the stupid short zorst.....! :-(