Everything posted by scott-lee powles
Project 'Bumblebee' (DT400mx) ...........complete!
started pretty more or less straight away, after the fuel had chance to go into the system. been up the road,purrs like an angry kitten. must be mad to lose this but an offer has been accepted, and i believe she is going to a good home, with the right kind of owner, so a good, albeit, heart breaking result.
Project 'Bumblebee' (DT400mx) ...........complete!
thanks,dt. would like to add, i haven't polished any washers,or weird shit like that,it came from California,so mother nature did most of the work! would really like to keep it and thrash the tits of it if i could,but sadly,my current medical condition prevents me. hell, i don't even know ,as yet, if i can kick it over!!!!!
Project 'Bumblebee' (DT400mx) ...........complete!
thanks,cynic. praise from a fellow DT owner is very welcome. and i agree with your views.a good home from someone on this site would be much better than sticking it on e-bay. there is a guy who's interested, but not sure he is going to commit. And oddly enough, if i hadn't been out bid by a piffling £25 last august, this would have been a nice blue and yellow TDR 250
Project 'Bumblebee' (DT400mx) ...........complete!
more pictures, including the original condition she was in, can be seen in the for sale section. it didn't need an awful lot to be done,if im honest, but im pleased with what i have done.
Project 'Bumblebee' (DT400mx) ...........complete!
just wanted to share a few pic's of the finished project with you. im (quite) chuffed. i think it turned out quite nice. still needs more to get her to 'concourse', but that will be for someone else to do.
Favorite song ?
just about all 70's and 80's rock...................................... is my favourite song.
Dishonest police
i'm also with noise............ when i was a learner,back in the early 80's, i got a ticking off,and a clip around the ear from many a copper. better that then a fine and points. when the police lost there power,they also lost any respect that they deserved.................thats when things started to get bad. i also agree with mike. living in the same town as he does, i can honestly say the police here are a great bunch, and do not abuse their power, (what little they sadly have)
Newbie from Chippenham
on the pewsham est,mike. Holland close.
Newbie from Chippenham
Thanks, guess it just shows the benefit of living in a more sunnier climate. remarkable condition, apart from a bit of sun fading. these photos were taken when it arrived back last November Bought it end of august, purely on 6 photo's from e-bay. was a long 2 months waiting for it to arrive in the country, then get mot'ed and registered, before i finally got to see it in the flesh. well worth it, though. last year or so has seen a lot of the older twin shocks being imported in to the country, have seen some real beauty's, but this is the only single shock 400 that i have seen. Although, the company that imported it, yuniparts, did get a nice 250mx in the same batch. that was just as nice, save for a nasty chrome rack!! good to see these old air cooled strokers coming back, reminds me of simpler times..................happy days.
Riding/Lane Splitting in London
i agree with mike1949............ i did 6 years as a dispatch rider in london, in the 80's, lot less traffic then. But when i grew up, i moved to wiltshire, and now i just have to dodge sheep and tractors. A mush more sedate way of life, and i will live a lot longer.
Newbie from Chippenham
finally!!! have bugger all PC skills, ironic really, i have been programming 5 axis CNC lathes, and 4 axis CNC mills for nearly 20 years, but only had a computer for 2 years!! you can teach an old dog new tricks, just dont expect it to happen overnight.
Newbie from Chippenham
Newbie from Chippenham
sorry, pictures didn't come out!!
Newbie from Chippenham
hi,guys, joined last September, but never got around to saying hi, so, better late then never! got this little baby from the USA, only 4700 miles on it and in very nice condition for a 35 year old bike. must have been wrapped in cotton wool, not a spot of rust on her at all. even the nuts and bolts are shiny. slight rip in the seat, but managed to get a seat cover from Canada, which i've fitted myself, not a bad job for my first attempt. started a major clean up last year,pulling all the connectors apart and cleaning with contact spray, amazing amount of white sand was found in some of them, but she did come from Arizona, so no surprise. pulled off the foot-pegs,side stand and chain guard, and bead-blasted and re-sprayed them. also did the same for the exhaust ,which was in remarkable condition,and gave it a healthy coat of ceramic impregnated paint. found all the bits i need on E-bay for this ,no problem at all,most from the states, but surprising how much you can still get in the UK. also, Germany has a lot of bits as well, very handy. haven't managed to much more this year, as i have got Carpul and Cubital tunnel syndrome,which has left me at a bit of a dead end!! hopefully, after the opps im waiting for have been done, i can continue with the bike. she's mot'ed and taxed, and road registered, and ready to get out there, but just needs the stuff putting back on, but am un-able to do so at the moment, having both arms in brace's!!! major bummer. this is a bike i always wanted, but never got around to getting, just not being able to find a good one, so when i saw this one come up, i sold my beloved 20 year old BMW K100rs straight away. Dont regret it for a second, even though it took a year to find a good one of them. The BMW was a good bike ,but just no fun to ride at all, and at the tender age of 45, i just thought, what the hell, mid-life crisis, here i come. wanted to get a TDR 250, but they are like hen's teeth as well, and parts are few and far between for them, which was a shame. had a TDR in 1990, and loved every minute of owning it, even though it tried to kill me every time i got on it!! Any way, hope you like the pictures, will post more later this summer. if the operations go ok, i hope to get her finished by August, just want to re do the swinging arm, and then she will be mint. cheers, scotty.
DT 400mx
also have a DT400mx, got last year from the states. so far I've had no problem getting spares for it, most stuff can be found on e-bay. rex's speed shop do new CDI packs, pattern parts are easy to get from yambits(www.yambits.com) my bike was imported by a company called yuniparts up in Derby. very nice people who re-manufacture parts for old yamahas, and do a lot of 'hens teeth ' parts. (www.yuniparts.com) both these company's can be found on e-bay. Another good company is redrose- retrobikes .co.uk. the only parts that are difficult to get,and are very rare, are the throttle cable top and bottom sections ,and the plastic connector that attaches them together. took me a long time to find these,and got them from the states. be warned,though. as you can no longer use these bikes in the USA, the parts that they have, are starting to go up. another good bit to get is an oil pump, these are also rare. point to note, DT250 parts which are easy to get hold of, also may fit your bike.