Everything posted by jimmythemoonlight
if only yamaha made vans..
can i still be a member without a bike ??
if only yamaha made vans..
thanks guys, hangin by a thread i am , still it could be worst...oh well actually possibly not.. well i would talk about gravity, but then that does get everyone down..
if only yamaha made vans..
thanks slice, i wil have another go at a bike thats for sure,i did try to sell the missus before the bike but unfortunatly she has clocked up far too many miles to be a sellable commodity, i doubt even tesco would buy her for her meat. ha ha ha
if only yamaha made vans..
yeah i could eat it , thanks ,
if only yamaha made vans..
oh well fellow petrol headed children of the corn, i have got to sell my bike, its bloody upsetting but the van of mine has give up the ghost and i need the cash and fast, i think the only sentence that has xvs125 and fast within it is this one that follows..............."..i am selling my xvs 125 because i need the cash and fast" its just been put on ebay for anyones perusal its the one thats a non yam colour,with a led tail light and a leather tank bra why not have a bid. bloody renault let me down cant work without van.......four wheels drive the body..two wheels drive the soul....
Can anyone recommend a good re-boring service?
i am bored of this topic
Tesco Burgers
horses for courses i guess.
a valentines poem to turn the loved one on...
thanks up yours, ha ha ha
yama xs400 xs250 , are they any good ?
yeah sound as a trout ....thats the bad boy that tickles my fancyright now, i defo think the modded look is possibly the best look for them , the ones with wide bars, bates head light , flat tracker /cafe racer backside, no front mud guard, custom tail light etc etc etc .... i think that is what i will set my sights on after or during this season, i after over 12 months of patiently gettin the xvs up and running i think that i can afford to upgrade at no extra cost to myself........less the test for the full liscence, i shall give the missus a swift jab to the head why?.. because i can..
yama xs400 xs250 , are they any good ?
hello there children of the corn, i was looking on ebay at bikes for want of a better word 'window shopping 'and i discoverd a lot of xs400's that have been altered to look like oldish school bobbers or cafe racer type looking machines they seam to fetch around the 900 quid margin and some of them look real nice a look that i would love to obtain,, i wondered if anyone has any experiance of these machines and how they are to handle ie.. do you need to be an experianced biker to ride one or are they to be considered a user friendly machine..if you get me...? also i was thinking the time will soon come for me to upgrade beyond the power of my 125 and go for a poss 250 or 400 , and due to the look of these chopped xs's its a big contender for me , however not knowing anything about them i thought i would throw a line out for anyone who has experianced these and get something of a review...is it worth going for a 250? is it best as a novice to get a 400 ? are they a tame machine ? are they reliable? should i go for it or should i leave well alone? i doubt i would consider owning a standard one as its just not my bag ...any thoughts ???
a valentines poem to turn the loved one on...
roses are red, pigs tails are twisted,.....open your legs..cause your gettin fisted..
A word of advice to XVS 125 owners...
hey there , thanks for the support, yes i am chuffed to bits about my now road leagal and fighting fit machine, i have got a nice natural confidence now too, i feel a bit uncomfortable in the wet on corners but besides that i am having the time of my life. i understand what people say about the lack of ppower etc but for me right now its ample, cheers !!!!!
xv125 side panels the same as xv250?
no . miles apart old been.
A word of advice to XVS 125 owners...
hey there ..i have clocked up a few miles on my xvs and so far all is well, i have got a steady 65 out of mine although i have found the speedo to be showing the wrong speed (it is slow by 5mph) had to ride next to some one with a more modern set up as a test to fathom that out, there is plenty of poke in her so much so i can blow off any other 125 cruiser/commuter with ease, i do have highway hawk straight throughs on her i dunno if that changes the power any because i never had a go with the origional pipes on her as she was a junk yard dog, i also find i can get a quick start if i have a spoon full of cold beans out the tin about fourty mins proir to a ride, i tend to leave skid marks but the tyres are good because i lay them on the cotton in my undies, all joking aside though i did a 120 mile day trip the other day during a break in the weather and what i did find was that my loose boxer shorts did me no favours as my nads where rattling around like wreckin balls in an earthquake and i was left somewhat tender for a while, my tail bone felt bruised too, so as from then i have budgie smugglers as part of my essential bike gear.
m o t test and indicator light in speedo ???
ahh right , thankyou ,
m o t test and indicator light in speedo ???
hey guys , heres one for you ... my indicators work fine..however the little light on the speedo that tels me the indicators are on does not work...now is this a mot failure ?
xvs 125-starting /running problem
well there children of the corn...........i have a running beast, purrs like an affrican bullfrog on crack, took it for a spin at the weekend and it was just damn fine, highway hawk pipes give it a tasty throatyness, ahhh 12 months of near pain and frustration has gone...got my insurance and getting a mot test on it ....ready to slowly go where everyone has gone before......yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh whoop whooooooopppppp . i am one happy ugly bastard .......and a big thanks to those who took the time to help me with advise and all that ..turns out i was mugged off with two dodgy engines ...morrel of the story is ....you cant polish a turd.....
xvs 125-starting /running problem
ha ha yes indeed .....wouldnt have it any other way..,,,,,
Dragstar XVS125 DragStar Used Engines?
hey there ..i may have a few spare parts...what are you after??
xvs 125-starting /running problem
hello guys, well what can i say.... its been 12 months now a whole load of man hours and nearly 2 grand and i still dont know what the engine sounds like..however it really aint going to be long now...turns out according to my motor headed chum (who i now regard as my savior) ..the engine that i purchased was duff..... in true syle i was stitched up like a kipper again..., the pots where scored piston rings buggered and just to top that the gear linkages were all bent out of shape....however having the origional engine with generally better bits on it (besides the rear crank bearing which was the problem) my mechanical guru has grafted all the good bits together thus creating an engine that will be all but perfect!!! my mechanical guru has had the lump for what seams like forever but i know he is going to give it me back complete and thoroughly sound..its just the gear linkage switch over that is left...i was hoping to get it back today but that hasnt happened....theres allways tomorow..... fingers crossed...........................
heavy night on the lash.....
said to the missus "suck my cheesey bulb" she tutted and said"thats not very mature" i replied "ok i will ask you again in a week"
xvs 125-starting /running problem
heads up fellow children of the corn...............i will be getting my bike engine back from an old mate of mine who has rebuilt the engine ....just a matter of time now till i will finally get to hear the beast running. i will look forward to rasping around the neighborhood , you might recognise me ...i will be the one with dead flies on my teeth
xvs 125-starting /running problem
ha ha ha yes quite, a detoxing refreshing BJ. natures finest. one feels so much better after a knee trembler/ toe curler, its the closest thing i will get to a ride this season ......i just hope the misus dont find out ha ha ha
xvs 125-starting /running problem
ps i dont want empathy, or sympathy..... a bj would be nice.
xvs 125-starting /running problem
just to update .......still collecting dust in the garage, at least my powder coated frame aint going to rust.....i guess its not my time to hit the open road yet .....is there a for sale column on this site ?? or possibly a fully trained yamaha psyciatrist or should i say shrink.