Everything posted by Joe Smart
- Visor Steaming Up
Km Or Miles? Yamaha Ybr Custom 125
Hi there, I own a Yamaha Ybr 125 custom and i am planning on selling it Hence why i have another forum about the Logbook. Now the bike was sold to me and i was told by the Hampshire motor cycle centre Southampton that the Mileomiter reads in Km's. It is was registered in 2008. Now when i baught it i was told the 17000 miles were in fact kms and it only had about 11000 on the clock. Please any help would be amasing! Thanks! Joe.
What Tax Class Is My Bike?
Hi There everyone. I baught my Yamaha Ybr 2 months ago from the Hampshire motor cycle centre in Southampton and have yet to recieve my Log book. I have gone to the post office and got myself a v62 and one of the questions is "Tax Class?". I know its £16 a year but is it under motorcycle or does it have a certain name to it? Any help would be great!
- Visor Steaming Up
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
Thankyou wayno, ill have o look into that
HG Heated Grips deactivating themselves.
(this is typed on my phone so spelling will be terrible!) Hi there, i currently got my hein gerike grips repaired and working. One thing i have noticed and find really is that they turn themselves off, even if they have only been on for 5 mins at 50%. Is this a safety feature or something to prevent them sapping battery life because i found they stayed on for about 30 kins on lowest setting 50% the entire time i was on the a34 with high revs. i have the grips with the two on off buttons(not sure of model) any help would be ace, thank you
I Nod to mopeds and ive yet to get one back from one :/
When i used to ride my ol Speedfight 2 when i was 16 i never used to knod or wave, i never really noticed others doing it. Now i have my YBr125 custom i still have L plates and i always nod but on the a272 on saturday there was a fair amount of bikers and i found that its usualy the bigger bikes that dont bother nodding :/
- Visor Steaming Up
Visor Steaming Up
Wow! Thanks alot for the advice, I will google Hein Gericke Newbury and find out there location and go and have a look when i do... To come to think about it my broken Hein Gericke heated grips need repairing aswell :/ need to take it back to Yamaha dealer for there return to dealer warrantly. Really dont fancy the ride to southampton for that tho. Fun. Thanks alot for the advice! Joe.
Visor Steaming Up
Hi There everyone. As the bad weather stars to come in a problem i have allways had with my visor is it steaming up and wala in seconds i cant see a thing. Now i know about Pinlock inside visors but i just cant afford one. There is riding with it slightly open but then the wind hits my eyes to hard and i have to keep blinking and you loose the water seal at the top of the visor and as most helmets go the ventelation system is... well crap. I currently have a basic Nitro skid lid and ive never owned an expencive one so i dont know if mor expensive visors work better but i cant afford one. Is there any other way to make it so it doesnt steam up as i go along or will i just have to go with it and get used to it? Any tips will be great, Thanks Joe.
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
That is a great link! Gives me an idea on what im getting myself into if i do my original plan, If i do i may even get in touch with those guys for advice. Thanks! Joe.
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
Reliant ^ or very good bodywork casing?
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
Ive allways been a fan of the Cam-Ams, But ive also been looking at a few with a Vw rear and they look properly nice. I see the 600cc's do well in this sort of thing but imagine what a 1000 would be capable of. On the streets we have never beaten a mini bike converted engine ever no matter what we where in we didnt stand a chance. I think im going to go for doing a Trike tho as you said it sounds alot more simple and less work. What i might be best off doing is getting more experiance in the biking sector of mechanics as im more of a car person, I know there similar but its the compactness of everything. When i used to do the occasion job on my old speedfight i never ever got the pannels back on correctly.
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
A few people are considering making a trike, Now that does seem like an idea and i may look more into it as i wont use as much space. Now a VW has been suggested and a robin has been suggested, Ill defenatly have a look into this and see what i can do. As far as my engineering going i am still a student doing a level 2 but i know my fair share and i am doing this mainly to learn. At the end of the day if something goes wrong it goes wrong and ill learn not to do that again and perhaps ill learn a few great things along the way. When i do get going it will be a slow project as itle cost a fair bit and take time peice by piece but i can image ill allways find a way to be busy. Thanks alot for the suggestions! Joe.
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
I havnt really looked into it massivly, I have basic ideas but i was thinking of trying to strip down a diff and try to adjust it with a sprocket but i can imagine that is quite difficult, I was thinking of making it rear engined RWD to put the some of the weight over the back allthough there not exactly heavy engines. Ive allways liked the idea of a sequential gearbox in a car but you cant really get them unless they are conversions or built for it, My only problem is the amount of work that would be needed if i wanted to make it road legal and useable. I realise it is going to cost a fortune if i buy a shell but i would rather build it up from near Ground up. Id make my own shell but then it would never be road legal and i dont have the experiance for it. As difficult as it may be ill have to do some research i was thinking about an active rear steering system but that is heavily unlikely. Im defenatly going to have to do some mroe research and build my toolbox up a bit with specialist tools for certain jobs. Thanks for your imput. Joe.
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
Ill have a look into making a trike, Ive not considered it before but it may be a good idea, I chose a mini because of the size of them and the weight, the only problem with new cars is even if it is a cheap write off or something its all the wiring thats going to have to come out ect plus there usualy heavier, Theres not many cars smaller than the old mini so thats why i was thinking it was going to be a good idea, But yes i can see where you are coming from with all the rust and damage. Thanks for the help!
Bike Engine Car Conversion, What Engine To Use?
Hi there guys, I am an 18 year old student studying motoe vehicle engineering and im looking to start a project to do over a period of time. Firstly im going to start of by buying an old Mini shell and fitting it with a big bike engine, I was thinking about getting an engine from an R1 by buying a second hand bike and taking it out, Re using the wiring and speedo ect. Im not one for looking at big bikes and im not a real bike nut. One of the problems is i can imagine getting hold of one isnt going to be cheap. Does anyone have any other Big bike engines that are powerfull,dont weigh much and are reletivly cheap? Any help would be amasing. Thanks!
Ybr 125 Custom Gearbox Issues
Ahh ok, I will give that a go, I am rarly in 1st gear as you said only when taking off from a stand still, I dont know what its like on other bikes but 1st gear is pretty gutless on it. Thanks for the advice.
Ybr 125 Custom Gearbox Issues
Also my gear changes vary really, If im just cruising along then I have quite slow gear changes where i rest on the clutch for a second or so, Sometimes they are pretty swift and when i try to get what the baby 125 engine can give i make it as fast as i can. It mainly happened while going across roundabouts when im exiting so im wondering if that has something to do with the cause, I will have a look at the chain tention in a few Mins. Thanks!
Hi There.
Hi there, My name is Joe smart as then mae probably gives away, Im an 18 year old student and have owned 2 Bikes in the past, One being my trusty old Speedfight 2 50cc and my Lovely Yamaha YBR125 - Custom. Looking forward to seeing you all on here. Joe Smart.
Ybr 125 Custom Gearbox Issues
Ooo Thanks, And i thought i had posted there :/ I shall go over there now and get it done.
Ybr 125 Custom Gearbox Issues
Hi There, I own a 58 reg Yamaha YBR125 - Custom, I baught it from a dealership 2 weeks ago. It is still under its 3 months Take back for repair warrantly but i am to far away to get it to the dealership and get it done. Im currently having a problem with the gearbox where i set off in first as i go up into second giving it a fair push as you have to it will click onto the neutral light and then off as if it was in second, About a second later it will slip itself back down into neutral and i end up giving the engine a fair reving off of it. Also the drop from 2nd to 1st gives out a rather large clunk sometimes, more than it usualy does. I was thinking that perhaps there is a problem with the 2nd gear cog or the gear selector? Any ideas and anyone else who has had that problem to explain it wuld be great help! Thanks Joe.