Everything posted by iandouglas
Father Jack vs Katie Hopkins
great video clip
I go across London monthly and the worst situation is rain cold night all at one go, so many uk vehicles have badly dipped headlights that they can completely blind me so I just have to keep slowing
Bikesure for sure
Lee for bikesure - our son is looking for a quote, he has had one year on a vanvan without incident so i guess that's one year no claims. now he has passed his a2 and i have given him my xj600n 1999, it has had a 47bhp restriction fitted for him, he is 22 yrs old. he is currently with just but their quote is too high, tried bike team and bennetts, both ok but not that wonderful, he is trying to avoid too much of an excess.
need some new gloves
the visor wipe on left thumb is a good feature as per my post above
need some new gloves
looking forward to finding out what they are greekmaster - i buy off ebay, there are some bargain second hand gloves but it does involve a bit of research working out real value when new plus careful watching of promising items, so far so good but i would say go for a size or two bigger to be sure they fit ok, that is the only time i got caught out - took the lining out and used them for summer as the leather was quality. the spada blizzard is a good relatively cheap glove to buy new, mine have a thumb wiper blade which is very useful - i wear silk inner gloves in cold weather, they aren't very expensive
What do you hate about xmas?
thing that is bugging me about xmas is that driving standards are seemly deteriorating even further, pushing out when there isn't properly room and just general impatient and careless manoeuvres like the driver is in a hurry, not concentrating or pre-occupied, trying to do too much and consequently something of a menace, or...is it just me i wonder? rode home from kent last night, some 85 miles across london, it was pretty cold but with stops to warm up ok and no rain, at least the roads were quieter than during the day when i went, oh and no low sun which can be another issue this time of year.
no funny really
sorry that should be not funny really, but... apparently masks of shamed rolf harris are big sellers, not exactly festive or in the spirit of good will but scary alright
Where are we all from?
aw come on - UK, England, Britain the terms are used loosely now, you could be forgiven for thinking Scotland wasn't part of the Uk the way things have been going
Tyler Kirk
poor quality video unfortunately - crazy maverick behaviour, not sure that public roads are the right venue though
Startling statistics
not quite on thread but about statistics last w/e i saw the results of a survey of 50 year olds,- they asked them whether they had any regrets and, if so, what they were, an amazing 20% felt they had chosen the wrong partner, now that's sad isn't it - and they are the ones that haven't got divorced
Startling statistics
i go across london regularly, yes it is potentially dangerous and uncomfortable in rain but give me a bike rather than a car any day, at least on a bike there is a sporting chance of getting through the jams/gridlock by filtering carefully, - cars get snagged in cities
Where are we all from?
wish that i'd not said anything now
Where are we all from?
I'm originally from bexleyheath, well between bexley and bexleyheath, I'm back visiting my old mum at the moment - very crowded place these days, had my own place for a number of years but it was on a busy road that just got worse, couldn't afford a house here that I liked so as soon as i found another job I decided to move away - been moved away some 25 years now. Would like to move again but the cost involved is eye watering, there is a tax on moving house which now that I am retired I would have to pay myself, it's called stamp duty - plus there are all the other costs, estate agents, surveys and a load of other bills like solicitors and land registration.
Where are we all from?
I'm confused - so mrs foamy is your mum?
xj600 pre-diversion, starting issues
the problem of non starting can be the kill switch, about wire terminal, i'll check mine...... sits right below, just immediately under the battery it's an earth i think. see the two grey wires touching the bottom of the battery in your first picture well, that's where your terminal goes, bolts to lower part of the battery tray
Where are we all from?
missus foamy lives in Salisbury.? and you live in newbury - that sounds sad, hope that it isn't
First bike!!
Am I doing the right thing?
yes i agree, wonder if the statistics bear that out - some cyclists seem so vulnerable
Am I doing the right thing?
makes you appreciate the benefits of a chin guard, mind you we wouldn't be flipping over anything we hit seeing that they are mostly great big suv type monster cars these days.
saying hello to all
Am I doing the right thing?
riding a motorbike I mean Ouch Ouch Ouch
YX600 Radian Winter Project
welcome, well done and good luck with your project, nice photographs unlike yours mine is a monoshock arrangement. if you find a good source of yam parts, that is old parts, could you let me know please? Tried all the obvious places for this:- FJ600 rear suspension (relay) bush part no 90386 - 18135, it's for an XJ600 but the description seems to be FJ600, same part, nylon bush. number 8 on the diagram
new toy! :D
wow - good luck with it
This is good .. no flannel
great video, thanx for posting
Fuel prices "
yes i used to think that but there is now a movement to gradually rid, particularly cities, of combustion engines for public health reasons. Major manufacturers are investing in electric engines, the HD Livewire and the italian energica ego for example, some cities have electric buses, Boris Johnson, has launched the capital's first city-wide electric charge point network and membership scheme, making it easier for electric vehicle owners to plug in and it was hard to believe that electric motorbikes were hitting over 100 mph at the tt zero. The most successful delivery van hybrids mix internal combustion with electric but governments are clearly going to be encouraging more electric/alternative power in the future, no doubt higher fossil fuel prices will go hand in hand with that.