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Everything posted by iandouglas

  1. re; Yammy website is quoting £6,799 for one of these - thanks, a cool £7K - a lot of money but also a tempting price
  2. I.........WANT..........ONE! me too - must be seriously quick, too much for an old codger like me I fear, first time I've seen something desireable in a while (bikewise I mean) a load of nice looking engine with a bike body sort of clipped on top - lovely jubbly
  3. looks good at first sight 3 cylinder bike apparently - described as a lightweight 850cc, wide handlebars, inverted forks blurb:- Compact and lightweight 850cc 3-cylinder engine To keep the MT-09 as light, slim and compact as possible, our designers have developed an all-new CF aluminium die-cast frame. Its low weight and excellent rigidity balance contribute towards the bike's agile handling performance, and help to keep the overall wet weight down to just 188kg. Monocross suspension with asymmetric CF die-cast swingarm The rear end features a lightweight asymmetric CF die-cast swingarm that gives a low unsprung weight for responsive suspension action and a comfortable ride. An almost horizontal rear shock is situated beneath the seat, and the externally mounted swingarm pivots keep the chassis slim for a compact riding position. Stress-free ergonomics and a 'slim-fit' riding position The new MT-09 is designed to handle a variety of roles, from sport through to weekend trips and the daily ride to work. Wide, tapered handlebars and a long, flat seat give stress-free ergonomics - and the sculpted 14-litre fuel tank with knee recesses ensures a comfortable 'slim-fit' riding position. Concealed 3-into-1 exhaust Equipped with connecting pipes for a good pulse effect, the compact 3-into-1 exhaust system contributes towards mass-centralisation for agile handling. Featuring a corrosion-proof Nanofilm coating, the three stainless steel downpipes run into a short and compact EU3-compliant muffler which emits a throaty note. New style lightweight 10-spoke alloy wheels with 17-inch radial tyres Lightweight designs are used throughout, and to achieve a low unsprung weight the MT-09 is fitted with all-new 10-spoke alloy wheels. The lightweight wheels are fitted with newly-developed radial tyres - 120/70ZR17 at the front and 180/55ZR17 at the rear - giving stable and responsive handling. muffler which emits a throaty note - oh yes aluminium frame - like it wonder what the price will be? irritatingly fleeting glimpses of the bike
  4. went to school somewhere down there, Mayfield/Five Ashes - anywhere near you?
  5. I like these old dogs but they are expensive to keep running, parts are getting harder to find here's mine at Muddeford Quay last year - at present having its carbs and brakes sorted
  6. What every time? - the hedge is now bulged into the neighbours but it still serves to mark a stop point, I reckon Pip judges the hedge coming onto the front bonnet as her indication of when to handbrake 60 miles - crumbs, I once cycled 70 but that was sometime ago, hope your shift at work was ok. Did all my site visits today on the bike, couldn't be bothered to take my gear off as I had to call back in at the office, I expect a few of them were wondering what the hell that tramp was doing using the photocopier
  7. that's helpful, hmm going to be quite expensive then....and I'll have to underground the cable myself across a patio. A generator just isn't a practical proposition though.
  8. This bit of nsd post; 'youngest daughters motor' made me think of our oldest girl who drives into our hedge when she comes home, this isn't actually our house but you get the idea, at first I was quite taken aback it but after a while you tend to say 'heyho - forget it' not worth getting upset about re; 3 mile run - impressive
  9. mike: hmm..so different to my situation, neither of the girls, or the wife for that matter, are remotely interested in bikes, if fact I suspect that one of the girls feels it doesn't give a good impression having an old bike parked up outside the house when her numerous mates visit. the boy is indifferent which I am secretly pleased about as I don't really want him charging about on a motorbike the way he did with his pushbike DT don't know where you get the energy..
  10. ...trouble is keeping it from blowing off, for some reason to do with the local topography or the arrangement of houses. I don't know, the wind tends to catch covers - got a bigger plastic bike cover but that's fairly torn (hence desire to get hold of a traditional canvas one) and takes ages to secure so I'll settle for just having a dry seat for the moment.
  11. top pic - is that the mrs sorting the washing while you relax - just joking mike. see you on 22nd?
  12. current situation - going to get a motrax
  13. remids me of this - mz 250 doubled up to make it a 500, note these engines just hang off the centre of the t frame, no front cradle
  14. seems like its very hard to get this right - frequently they don't anticipate the sump catching on the angle at the top of the ramp apparently
  15. yes some noises are acceptable like the high pitched distant howl of motorbikes on the by-pass not so keen on the shooting which we also get here on a Sunday
  16. thinking about getting a quote for a power supply to the shed, would involve external socket to the house which would be good for the lawn mover plus a cable to the shed, distance of about 20m given the route it would have to take underground - power to the shed must be useful for light, radio and tools.
  17. better give my bike a clean now its stopped raining for while
  18. think you have got to the bottom of it nsd, seriously. I haven't the brains to work it out, mind you that bit about 'everyhting is always someone elses fault' well I think I'm guilty of that
  19. great day doing very little, well ticked a couple of items off the to do list, wife away on a day out with her college mates,neighbours all seem to be awol - me and the dog just them buzzy little planes....
  20. this thread takes me back...to before getting married when I would heave my GT380 up a ramp into the living room for winter maintenance, happy days incidentally that is one beautifully clean bike
  21. having started this thread a few days ago I have just found (friday) that my employer is requiring all staff to do training on dealing with 'difficult people' , it is called coping at the sharp end reading some of the preliminary blurb I can understand why some 'customers' resort to swearing, the course is about how to deal with that sort of thing and try and defuse a potentially nasty situation agree with the points made above about wider influences and agree things aren't all bad just saying there is quite a lot of anger and resentment about that didn't seem the case to same extent previously. the buffoonery associated with the last two governments, that is blair plus cameron are enough to make anybody irritable
  22. iandouglas


    hehe - yes women are more familiar with the concept of lists doing shopping i suppose, occasionally you see people who have written reminders on the palm of ther hand in biro eventually everything on the to do list should get done - sometime in the future my lists have a 'work', a 'home' and a shopping component to them including things like somebody's birthday card.
  23. iandouglas


    you keep lists? my life is one long list of things to get done. it's good because you look back and it's a reminder especially when you have a poor memory like me but at the same time it is rather a relentless uphill slog to get on top of but great to tick off a few items - for the time being anyhow
  24. at the beginning of this thread is a picture of my sheds, due to the quirky layout of our housing estate our rear garden extends back further than either of the flanking houses so they are in a kind of no mans land with other gardens to the rear butting on, it's actually pretty peaceful during the week especially, however...while trying to get a push bike sorted this week been listening to this woman getting more and more exasperated with her, apparently, very naughty grandchildren, it's both slightly irritating and funny I just happen to know she is a teacher or ex-teacher because I had to go round when we were hanving a fence put up to get her agreement etc.... just reminds me of a certain irrasible teacher I had at primary school all those years ago, somebody with no tolerance totally unsuited to teaching
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