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Everything posted by iandouglas

  1. iandouglas replied to celerybob's post in a topic in The Bar
    You might try the Yamaha Diversion Forum as they are mostly XJ900 owners on there, agree with the above comments - shaft drive saves messing with chain lubes but it does make the bike heavy. the 900 has a vibration problem at certain revs according to some reports but they have quite a following as a reliable comfy tourer - nice touch having a fuel gauge - I'd go with your heart myself. - after a decent test ride of course. (once I had my sights set on a Suzuki Inazuma 750 but when I took it out for a test ride I found that I preferred my XJ600N which was a surprise really)
  2. oh good - not alone then, thanks for letting me know
  3. iandouglas replied to seca-900's post in a topic in The Bar
    congratulations - any chance of some photos and details about the bike please?
  4. Like the pictures Mike Wiltshire is a favourite place for me too - I like Devizes went to New Romney on the Kent coast Sunday, this photo was taken in a place inland called Tenterden where, luckily, I found a shop open that sold bolts as one of the 8mm stud fixings on the exhaust had vibrated off so I screwed it back together then had a pizza (restaurant with some outside seats/tables) sitting from where the photo is taken, the black bike with a reflective jacket on it is my XJ600N.
  5. ditto -thanks
  6. some good ones there - I'm older than you lot (I'm pretty sure because I am fairly old) - anyway the reason I got a bike again after many years without was to do with it being relaxing, somehow stresses and strains disappear. Maybe it is escapism, going back to being a teenager again, not sure but there is that sense of freedom and fun, almost a sensation of flying sometimes if that isn't too ridiculous, yes even on an XJ600n.- luckily I have a good mechanic who is magic with engines.
  7. ah getting all togged up, there's two sides to that - (1) initially trying to look like brando and then (2) eventually resorting to more practical but less aesthetically pleasing all weather bike kit. it is a nuisance having to carry gear about, I now use a top box which will take my helmet but other than that a hold all sports type bag works OK I find. On the other hand parking can be better and less expensive (no cost) than with a car. I had a period of time when I was working with a load of young women, all from privilaged backgrounds and somewhat humourless, when I really did feel uncomfortable trudging in with all my bike stuff on, in the end i used a changing room for cyclists but luckily I work in a different team now where they are less bothered and more accepting. The weather - personally I hate riding in the rain, worse is the rain and at night and worse still rain, night and cold and still worse when its freezing but fortunately these are relatively few occasions - carrying a spare pair of gloves helps as do heated grips and oversocks - ski type ones. One downside are bugs, don't know why but Salisbury Plain has to be a bad spot for riding into swarms of them, like James Hunt used to say, keep a damp cloth with you to wipe your visor if necessary.
  8. there seems to be a wide variety of views Me for example, not particularly interested in motorbike racing although one of my friends would never miss a race or qualifying session on TV but I am facinated by the IoM TT. Travelling about and socialising must be big reasons, again me for example, I wouldn't visit the vast majority of distant destinations I do if it were a case of using a car, getting a coach, train or bus. a combination of seeing new places plus the pleasure of the journey (absolutely no fun in that with a car). is it the concept of a motorbike for its own sake as a hobby and interest, something to take apart, clean, cherish - as well as being exhilarating to ride or is it transport, commute or the most effective way of getting about?. Any thoughts anybody please?
  9. iandouglas replied to trumpetdude's post in a topic in The Bar
    post relates to a chap thinking of upgrading from a 600 so i was singing the vitues of the xj600n - a 125 cc would be better still on fuel but the 600 has the advantage of power and relative economy, personally I can't get too enthusiastic about mpg lower than around 50 even if it means a more exciting/bigger machine as I do a fair mileage, just saying - my own take on the bike size issue
  10. iandouglas replied to trumpetdude's post in a topic in The Bar
    Owning an xj myself I can sympathise but.....it does do around 50 mpg if not slightly more, it weighs less than 200kg and it easily does the maximum speed limit and beyond with reasonably good acceleration a suitable screen, crash bars, a belly pan, twin silencers and bar end mirrors will help the look - been through this myself and in the end I don't always think the grass is greener, some fast sports bikes are quite diminutive in size. The XJR 1200 is what I would buy too but I don't think that does much more than 43 mpg and it's quite heavy, don't know, around 225 kg I'd guess. I've also got a prediversion XJ600 and that feels physically bigger, a nice bike actually even if it looks dated nowadays.
  11. Any more detail on Handy Maps please - nothing comes up immediately on google for that. I use landrander OS 1.50,000 scale but you can quickly run out of map so that a complete bundle are needed if you are going any distance on minorish roads
  12. iandouglas replied to iano's post in a topic in Classics
    seen this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1993-YAMAHA-XJ600-PRE-DIVERSION-/200824242073?_trksid=p5197.m1997&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D16%26meid%3D2483397079039647416%26pid%3D100016%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D170917612615%26
  13. iandouglas replied to iano's post in a topic in Classics
    This is me Bender, made a bit of a mess logging a couple of different usernames over time - so glad to get a reply. Professional Peter, hope you get your XJ600 sorted matey, this one seems to be reasonably well looked after, a few issues but not enough to stop me taking off to Bournemouth tomorrow. Yes the XJ 900 (pre-diversion?) is nice but too heavy for me and they won't do 58 mpg unfortunately. remember a trip to Billingham, there was a night club, La Ronde ??? Can't recall, saw some poor chap being hurled down the (circular?) stairs by bouncers, this was back in the early 70's. Campaman - oh I wish you had kept it, we could have started an owners group. . - the belly pan was removed to fix the engine bars I think. Love dogs too, Lurchers are the ones for us
  14. iandouglas replied to dand's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    very nice and they are good value, like that neat little exhaust and the subtle note it makes, sounds just right - the only slight worry is no centre stand but guess these can be fitted as the diversion model has one.
  15. iandouglas replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in Naked
    with reference to the XJ that was given to you, surprised it went without having to clean out the carbs. mine goes better with premium grade rather than slightly cheaper unleaded, difference in go noticeable. slight vibe issue but cured it by putting rubber washers under h/bar fixings and on foot control mounts.
  16. iandouglas posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Realise that these are old bikes - are there any other owners, mine cost £550 18 mths ago, spent about that amount on it again, brakes/chain/service/starter; now very pleased with it, 6K miles so far -budget biker.